The Window
The Window
The eyes to a soul
Let in the cool breeze
Listen to the birds
The view of a sunrise or sunset
The Window opened wide
A view of the alley below
Pen in hand and notebook in lap
I write all that's in my head
I'm sitting on the windowsill
Celebrating each breath
And my new freedom
The fresh air springs forth in me the ambition of a child
I turn pages into masterpieces
Pictures inside my soul are shared through the words I sculpt
Children ride by on their bicycles
It's a Saturday and I can hear the music playing from the corner magazine stand
I hum along as my pen moves in time
This dream
This vision of pure bliss
It lives inside of me always
As I long for The Window
And I wonder if it longs for me as well
My peace and sanity lie there
Some day perhaps this cracked sidewalk will lead me to this place
For now I will hold tight to this vision
Tiffany Simar
Really good.
Thank you :)