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RE: 5 Minute Freewrite (Poetry) - Twilight Loss

in #poetry5 years ago (edited)

Very beautiful poem! Your word choice paints such a clear picture of the night and through them I can feel the emotions.

Thank you @creativesoul, appreciate the positive feedback hun :) Everything you say about fantasy sub-creation is true. I studied creative writing in university and actually took one of my elective modules in fantasy fiction lol. It was an awesome lecture series to participate in as, along with more traditional writing exercises and world building/map work, we did stuff like weapons combat for screen and guided meditations for finding inner landscape.

with fantasy there are lots of extras to keep on track. Such as the lore and origins and backstory and generally the 'rules of the place' such as how the characters interact with possible new laws of physics and making sure this works seamlessly between each volume. |

Absolutely right. I am lucky that I have already written over 40000 words of sub-creation for the world I plan to write in, including political make up, history, legends, religions, magic system and unique races that live in the three kingdoms. I have done a local (to the part of the world where the story will be set) map and am half way through a full global world map.

It is one hell of an undertaking and, I believe, the only way to create a worthwhile fantasy work is to completely immerse yourself in the world you create. This is why steem isn't the best for me... it causes a huge pull on my nature to procrastinate and distracts me.

Anyway, thanks for the offer for feedback, but what is most likely is that I'll simply become more active on steem in 6-12 months promoting the book. I'm very focused on getting this written, drafted and to a literary agent that specializes in fantasy. We shall see ;-)

P.s. the best out of those links is 'The Gelded One'. That short story was chosen for publication in an anthology over a year ago, but unfortunately the funding for anthology fell through.

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