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Hahaha - I love the Haiku! And feel so honoured to have one written for me <3 Thank you @raj808 - yes I'm just a tiny bit obsessed :')

You're welcome Rosa 🙂👍

It's nice to be nice and do something personal like this sometimes.

P.s. nothing wrong with being obsessed in an artistic endeavour. I think it helps with the intensity of the final products.

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I have no idea how to make a Haiku and it seems that it is so short of a poem @raj808 :D

It's short, but it is harder than you think because you have to count the sylablles in each line.

For those people who don't know, a Haiku is a traditional form of Japaneses poem that doesn't need to rhyme but must follow a strict syllabic structure. Each line must contain a set amount of sylablles like so:


Good Haiku are an under appreciated art form. I don't pretend to be the best at them, but these posts take on average around an hour to write, and most of that is spent in editing the Haiku until the sylablles are right while still retaining meaning. That is the hard part ;-)

Thanks for checking out my Haiku, and for taking an interest in how they work cryptopie :)

Not all of them though. The girl and her reflection/reflecting is very rich. My mood changed as I read it to wistful and longing. Nice one that one.
Such a great idea. Thank you for doing it. I look forward to reading them all.

Hi @owasco

Yes you're right that the haiku dedicated to soyrosa is more reflective. I guess I kinda veered from the theme with that one. It turned out alright though, I'm glad you enjoyed these haiku

Thank you for doing it. I look forward to reading them all.

Ha ha, well apart from a few longer posts about steem that's all there is on my profile for the last 31 days, haiku posts. I'm thinking about reading through them all, editing and refining the best of them and self publishing a little book of Haiku.

I haven't been back yet to read the rest, my bad. How many did you write each day? I know it was more than one. Sounds like that would make a lovely book! Were they all accompanied by photos?

There's too many to go back reading them all lol

It was one/day and each post had a photo that was used as an inspirational prompt, and a brief analysis of my thought process etc. The only day I missed was the day after the HardFork as steem wasn't working 🤣

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Amazing. I'm publishing my entry to mizu no oto today, and it has taken me five days to write. I can't imagine doing one a day.

What a great close to an entertaining month of haiku, and love the dedications to some awesome Steemians!!

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Thanks @riverflows

Yeah, I thought it would be good to finish up with something fun, and well... One of my favourite things in this world is to make people laugh. If even one steemian has a little chuckle at my haiku I'll be happy 😂

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Aw, laughter is good medicine and its always a buzz to get a giggle. I still love making hubby laugh after 17 years together and he I.

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LOL I might actually slip off my chair these days ahahaha. Thanks for the cute little mention here!

Ha ha, I don't believe it 😉

P.s. you're welcome for the haiku dedication 👍

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