
In decaying stream of consciousness...

Beautiful!!! I think this is the part that caught me most.

Wow! This poem is amazing!

I really admire you sir on making a poem, i am your big fan.. i cant make an english poem..only in our local language.. but i hope i could learn..

Thank you @xorexman. I think if you're second language English speaker/writer my best advice would be to start off keeping it simple, when trying to write a poem in English. Concentrate on picking out a memory that brings out certain feelings and write a poem describing the situation and how it made you feel. Then, a little tip, find the words that are very normal, like for instance you might write about a sunny day and describe how it made you 'happy', which is a very common and over used word. Then use a synonym finding tool like this one:

You can do that with all the really common words and try to find more expressive words to use instead. Remember that you want to choose the word that fits the tone, so if you're trying to convey a lot of emotion, you might use the word 'ecstatic' or if you're trying to rhyme with a previous word then you often can find a word in the thesaurus that will get that rhyme, E.G.

We visited the park,
where I had my first kiss,
we stayed until dark
in sunset blinded bliss.

I just wrote that to show you what I mean. I chose the word bliss from the thesaurus instead of any of the other words that hold the same meaning as happiness. I hope this helps. Have fun playing with the thesaurus and see what you can come up with. Thanks for visiting my blog and checking out the poem :-)

Really good poem, and I really like the Isle of Write connection. Thank you for sharing it!

Thanks @bigtom13. Yes, the Isle is a great place for creative writers to meet and help each other out. Thanks for checking out my poem :-)

Wow! I especially like the last stanza, mingling currents and tides. Well done!

Cheers @katrina-ariel. Funnily enough that final 2 lines were the only ones I had to re-write after I got this poem workshopped. You picked out the part I was most proud of as I was trying out different endings for a good half hour before I came up with that one :-) Glad you enjoyed the poem.

Its such a sad poem :( the emotion was given clear :) i've expected this kind of great work on my mentor ^^ it's super good

Thank you @memeitbaby. Yes you are right, it is a sad poem about an old flame. I rarely write poems like this about love etc as they're so hard to do well and find originality. Thanks for checking it out, glad you enjoyed it :-)

I still am bad at recognizing good poetry! But I never fail to recognize a good usuage of the word "mingle" :P

Ha ha @futurethinker. I think it's the only word that I repeated with 'mingling' in the first part of poem and 'mingle' at the end. It's usually a no-no to repeat words like this but I felt like breaking the rules on this one. Thanks for stopping by to read. As long as you enjoyed the poem that's how you know it's a good one 😉

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