BLACK LIKE MY SOUL (an original poem)

in #poetry8 years ago

It's four in the morning, I'm angry again
I talk to the darkness, the darkness, my friend
It's so very lonely, it's so very cold
It's so very black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of a woman who I used to know
She took me to places a man should not go
Her tongue was of silver, her heart was of gold
Her hair it was black, black like my soul.

I dreamt I was running with legs made of lead
When I tried to speed up I slowed down instead
And as I slipped further away from my goal
The future looked black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of a banquet with enemies and friends
Just which was which, well that all depends
I swear there was poison in the beef casserole
But the pudding was black, black like my soul.

I dreamt I was burning in the fires of hell
They bathed me in water and that burned aswell
And as my bones crumbled to dust in the coals
The flames flickered black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of a comic who worked every day
He was still telling jokes as he fell in his grave
But no-one was laughing at the curtain call
For the comedy was black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of a piano which could not be tuned
They tried tuning forks and even some spoons
Every note that it played was sad and mournful
For the keys were all black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of my love, my lover in song
I loved her so deeply but not for so long
Her voice was so wild, yet so beautiful
For its beauty was black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of an old man, not a penny to his name
I asked him with pity if he felt ashamed
He cried "not at all, that's the way the cards fall
For my skin is black, black like my soul."

I dreamt I was stealing diamonds and booze
I drank all the liquor but needed no jewels
So I went to market and I sold what I stole
And the market was black, black like my soul.

I dreamt of a lady in knickers of lace
I asked her why bruises were blue on her face
Then she looked at me from her red window
With eyes which were black, black like my soul.

I dreamt that a young boy was crying for change
I gave his some money, but that's not the same
And as I threw coins in his begging bowl
His teeth smiled black, black like my soul.

I dreamt I was sleeping and could not awake
I ate all my breakfast with my head on the plate
Then I smelt the coffee and at once I felt whole
For the coffee was black, black like my soul.

I dreamt I was dying as I lay in bed
When my heart stopped beating I knew I was dead
Then I saw the light at the end of the tunnel
And the light was pitch black, black like my soul.

I dreamt I met Alice in her wonderland
She kept pouring tea until I could not stand
The she said to follow down her rabbit hole
But the tea was too black, black like my soul.

I dreamt I was gambling my life on the cards
I placed all my chips on that sweet Queen of Hearts
But when all was dealt I just had to fold
For the Queen's heart was black, black like my soul.

It's four in the morning, I'm angry again
I dream all the night and I sleep all the day
I dream of a life that I used to know
My dreams are all black, black like my soul.


That's powerful writing. Wonder-full.

I think this would be really great put to music. Do you know anyone who could do it for you? Guitar, vocals--something kind of dreary and soft. I think it would be great.

I sing it with guitar- kind of bluesy harmonies. It's pretty dreary!

Can you post the song? I'd love to hear it. Go to one of the music venues on here and submit it. And put the link here in response to me so I can see! I'll follow you too.

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