Out of the shadow

in #poetry6 years ago
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  • Thank you for making me feel loved
    For treating me like something so precious
    You make me feel priceless
    like Ur most treasured asset
    You've been with me through the thick and thin
    Bad and good days and not letting go even when everyone was against me

  • Thank u for accepting my insecurity, caring for me as I am
    You put up with my anger issues and staying with me no matter how many times I get pissed with u over nothing
    The things of mood swings and rough times
    Even the times of depression and sadness,you cheer me up and light my day

  • Thank you for accepting my flaws and making it look unique
    Thank you for seeing the perfection in my imperfection
    Thanks for the memories and unbreakable bond made
    For whenever you're present the sky is always blue

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  • This bound shall remain but only if we fight to keep
    Slowly we take a step forward from the shadows ready to face the trouble
    One more step closer to all that we desire
    Right in front of us is happiness
    Right in front of us is what we need
    Now there is a "we" for we will act this time "without ego".

Image source

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Lets see if I can blend with this...

I'm out of the shadows,
No more hiding the secretes
That darkness has for long covered

We had our flaws
We sometimes heat the room
From roof to the floor

We had our differences
Disagreeing on every little thing.
But we've come to a truce.

Thank you for holding up
When everyone is watching
And holding me down when I'm about to get naughty

Lets start all over again,
This time we build what we want of ourselves
With the broken promises

Lets learn to live at peace
No more I or U,
Let's learn to live as US

Awwn Aaron you've always been good with this keep it up our poet

Thanks Erica, I'll always come around. I'm sure I'll always have something to inspire me here.

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