Beauty and Mystery | 20180729 ( Poetry ) #63steemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


Beauty and Mystery

You are the shade
Peace of soul and mind
Captivate everyone with your's
You hide your own

I'm one of your admirers
I'm also that who was afraid of your
When you become a prima donna
Make everyone amazed to see you

I touch in mystery
No edge, your depth is untouched
Just beautiful waves dance on the beach
On and on even I'm mute

You remain a mystery
Because of my ignorance
Maybe God has not given a clue
Until the time knocked on the door of destiny


Original poem is in Indonesia


Indah dan Misteri

Kau adalah keteduhan
Ketenagan jiwa dan pikiran
Merayu semua orang saat manismu
Kau sembunyikan sifat kasarmu

Aku salah satu pengagummu
Aku juga barisan yang takut akan ganasmu
Saat engkau menjadi primadona
Mengundang jutaan orang untuk kau buat terpana

Aku menyentuh dalam misteri
Tanpa tepi, dalammu tak terjamah
Hanya tarian ombak indah di pantai
Terus-menerus padahal aku bisu

Kamu tetap sebuah misteri
Entah karena kebodohanku
Mungkin Tuhan belum memberikan jalan
Sampai batas waktu mengetuk pintu takdir


images source 1 2 3 4

If you love poetry, please support to develop poetry. I will appreciate and thank you

Thanks to my friends who has helped me in writing. Thanks to all the creative communities for their support. Thanks to all who love my poetry

Sevenfingers on Discord

happiness are achieved by struggling and patiently undergoing the process
the ability to accept reality will explain who you really are

Thank You

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Apa yang dilihat jadi puisi. Dua jempol dah buat @pupu93

Terima kasih brother @lamkote, saya belajar dari anda! Semoga makin banyak teman-teman yang buat puisi supaya bisa saling berbagi

Sama2 @pupu93. Saya juga banyak belajar dari puisi yang pupu tulis

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