Galatea Won’t Be Reformed, Friday Poets, Day 87 of the 100 Days of Poetry @d-pend

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Galatea Won’t Be Reformed

Pygmalion_&_Galatea_(Louis_Gauffier) (2).jpg

the muses refused the sculptor's call
moulding hands lost the touch
now they can only maim and destroy

give over to unseen forces
wait for them to deliver

in the erratic glow
of a shattered lantern
air-borne debris waltz
in jagged shafts of light
Brownian particles
struggle to create
through interpretive dance
and staticky smoke signals

it was this way, or vice-versa
chattering indecision and bickering
they can’t seem to agree
but like Pygmalion
they miss the fair lady
you once were
in Never-Never Land

you have grown up

be it with organic earth
prayers or pixie dust
Galatea won’t be reformed



Image 1
Image 2

Galatea Won't Be Reformed is copyright Pryde Foltz

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Well done, creativity
I liked your words .. Thanks for the tips we just need a little will
Thanks for sharing..

Thank you, Slim:)

I was very moved by the words
powerful poem
especially the lines

the muses refused the sculptor's call
moulding hands lost the touch
now they can only maim and destroy

Thank you, Sayee:) We must learn to keep our touch light:)

"Galatea is not reformed" is an interesting allegorical poem that uses as a reference the story that Ovid tells in the definitive book of his Metamorphoses, according to which Galatea was a statue created by Pygmalion who, from admiring his work, fell in love with she . In the poem, this is not addressed directly, however I feel an allusion as to the non-transformation of Galatea to benefit the artist. The poem also speaks of the loss of a compass, of an erratic journey through cosmic worlds and of growth in another order. The whole poem constitutes a journey with suggestive and powerful images. Excellent work, Pryde!

Wow ... great comment, Zeleiria. Thank you:)

A powerful write, Pryde. For me, it speaks to the dichotomy of our current social and political environment – this rule of the day to restore some long ago never was, laying waste to what is and betraying hope and sanity.

Thank you, Denise. Yes, I think that interpretation works well:)

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