My Daddy (A Father's Day Poem)

in #poetry7 years ago

My Dad is gentle to hug,
and yet, strong to help me.
If that jar won't open,
just take it to Daddy.

Then it will come open-
with ease like the fridge door,
as if it wasn't stuck!
(Well, it's not any more!)

I remember a time when
the car sounded strangely.
I told Dad something's wrong,
and it complains loudly.

So he got out the keys,
and took it for a spin;
and said, 'there's nothing wrong;
the car's fine, and has-been.'

I thought, 'How could that be?
Daddy touched the car, and-
it's running like it should,
and now everything's grand?'

Then the computer screen
took a turn acting out.
I had great frustration,
and a very big pout.

So I told my Daddy,
and he rose up to see...
And wouldn't you know it-
It worked!!! How could it be?

Dad is so fun to tease!
He'll take his soda lid,
set it on the table,
and flick it, so it slid...

And back and forth it goes
across the table top-
with silly giggles 'til
for dinner-time, we stop.

Nose beeps, and movie time,
witty word puns to share-
in fun moments with Dad
when he sits with me there.

When something makes him laugh,
I like to hear that sound.
When he looks at my Mom,
I see the love he found.

I've seen him go to church
for years with faithfulness.
I've seen him come home from work-
so tired from the stress.

I've sat and beeped his nose,
just glad that Daddy's there.
I've seen him in God's Word,
and lead us all in prayer.

He's been my protector,
and Mr. Fix it, too.
He's logical, and smart;
and silly things he'll do.

When I look back on it,
I'm thankful for God's plan.
Though he isn't perfect,
My Daddy is the man!

*** I hope you enjoyed my poem. I'd like to add a few words here. I wrote this as a reflection after I got married and moved out. But I think it is an important reminder to me that Dad is an important person. Throughout life, don't take family for granted. So I hope everyone has a nice Father's Day!! :)


That's a really lovely poem straight from the heart. Great going!

Thank you. :)

wao really great loved it thanks for sharing..:)

Thank you. I'm glad you loved it. :)

Beautiful, thanks for sharing. @ironshield

Thanks. and you're welcome. :)

Very cool. Great reminder to cherish your family.

Thank you. Yes, cherish your family. :)

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