Esther the Queen (Poem)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

There was a maiden fair
whose beauty was so rare.
She entered a contest
held by a king, sad-pressed.

He was a wealthy king
who flaunted all his bling.
Through this, he lost his queen.
She exited the scene.

His servants suggested
the contest... a method
for helping the king find
a new queen that out-shined...

... his former Queen Vashti
to whom he said goodbye.
The orphaned girl, Esther,
preserved her ancestor-

line, a buried secret.
For her cousin would fret-
and be worried for her,
and for what would occur.

The event was first-class,
held at Shushan's palace.
When it was Esther's turn,
his favor she did earn.

It was time for dinner
when he picked the winner.
Esther was off the chart-
and she won the king's heart.

The king picked up the crown
which glittered with her gown,
and put it on her head.
With Esther he'd be wed.

Two angry men nearby
plotted the king to die.
"Why did Esther win? Why?"-
All heard by Mordecai...

... Esther's dearest cousin-
when they spoke so sudden.
He warned Esther in time
to tell the king the crime.

It was found true in court-
the murderous report...
All thanks to Mordecai!
Good thing he was nearby!

His job was at the gate
of the king's big estate.
But a new bad guy came
in as a prince with fame.

Haman was full of pride.
The golden crown he eyed.
So he convinced the king
to lend the royal ring.

He sealed a deal so dark,
like a walk in the park.
He thought he could complete
the evil law to beat...

... all Jews like Mordecai.
He wanted them to die.
So they prayed for Esther
against this molester...

... of her people precious.
Haman was so reckless.
So Esther took courage
and returned to the stage...

... to beg for her people
to be saved from evil.
The king asked her request
but she gave him a test...

... with an invitation
to her feast location.
He was too glad to sleep!
With curious and deep...

... wonder, he stayed awake.
Would she make a pound cake?
"Bring me the king's records
and read to me the words."

They read of Mordecai
saving him! What a guy!
"What reward did he get?"
"Nothing. Did you forget?"

"Nothing? What can I do?
I want to say thank you
with an action sincere.
Tell me, who else is here?"

Haman was in the court-
hoping to soon distort
Mordecai as trouble-
to hang him and chuckle.

But his bad plan fell through
for the king gave thanks due
to Mordecai arrayed
for a "thanks" parade.

Haman was so flustered
he couldn't eat his custard,
as he boasted at home,
and fussed, and mumbled some.

His face was flushed with shame.
Then some men called his name.
They hastened him quickly
to come to the party...

... held by Esther the Queen,
who prepared fine cuisine.
The king asked her request
and her face was distressed...

"I request for my life-
and for my kin in this strife!
For we have all been sold-
by a man very cold...

... who wants to snatch our breath
and send us all to death!"
"Who'd do that to my Queen?!"
He asked with anger seen.

"It's this man Haman here!"
Haman was filled with fear.
Then the king's servants spoke:
"He also sought to choke...

... Mordecai, who saved you!
He built a gallow new."
The king said: "Hang him there!"
Haman got new neckwear.

This calmed the king's great wrath.
There was still aftermath.
There was some damage done,
for Haman's law was spun.

So the king gave free verse-
that bad law to reverse.
Esther had saved the day!
And her kin were okay!

And Esther told the king
her cousin secret thing-
"Mordecai's your cousin?
I'm thankful for your kin!"

The king promoted him
with greatness to the brim.
God used him at the scene-
him and Esther, the Queen.

So God saved His people
who were very gleeful.
And with a Purim Feast,
they recall this with joy increased.

(Yes, I took the picture.) Thank you for reading my poem! Have a great day! :)


Wow, what a great poem 💐

You have such an ability @poetrychick! Steem-on!

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absolutely this is awesome <3
keep going ... ;)

Thank you! :)

Very nice poem! In-depth too, you stayed in the theme of the story. Love it!

Thank you! :)

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