in #poetry7 years ago


Wandering hearts, drifting thoughts
Say tonight will be enough
Something to hold, someone to care
Disturb me? You wouldn’t dare

Howling winds, incessant beats
The sounds to put on repeat
With the scent of Gaia’s cleansing grace
Nature will I soon embrace

The sky has opened its maw
To wash the earth of its flaws
As I type these words with a quickness
The sandman, I await with giddiness

Goodnight guys. Please;


This is from @stach’s @paulanii


I translate for you in spanish

Corazones errantes, pensamientos a la deriva
Di que esta noche será suficiente
Algo para sostener, alguien a quien cuidar
¿Molesto? No te atreverías

Vientos aulladores, latidos incesantes
Los sonidos para repetir
Con el aroma de la gracia limpiadora de Gaia
La naturaleza pronto abrazaré

El cielo ha abierto sus fauces
Para lavar la tierra de sus defectos
Mientras escribo estas palabras con rapidez
El hombre de arena, espero con vértigo

Buenas noches.

Thank you for this. I do not speak a word of Spanish, but I really like this. 😊😊

Intriguing, I missed your write ups. What have you been doing?

Been sick. The past two weeks have the worst

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