in #poetry4 years ago (edited)


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When I was born into this world
Some people were happy,
While my existence cause dismay for some people from the first day of my appearance;
Even though I am new and slim.

Though my mind was as clean as a tabula rasa
And I had no idea of what this world is.
But as days pass by,
My plain mind began to get itself filled with experiences from both good and pandemonium moments;
As I grow with memories of good and bad events.

However, if memories are memories,
And if memories are truly meant to be kept.
Why must mine be filled with casualties and mockery?
While I wallow in the pool of melancholic event.
Why must happy moments fade away like a burning candle as I grow older?

Never lose hope,
Stay positive and optimistic
Don’t look down on yourself.
Day after day I inspire myself with words of encouragement
Hoping that things will turn around for good,
But right now,
I am getting too tired to encourage myself as things get worse rather than getting better.

Tighter means of survival,
Ebola virus killing by the right,
Corolla virus killing by the left,
Government enforcing the “stay indoor policy” with no food to eat,
While my sources of income fades away like the stars of the morning.
Why must this type of event be part of my memory?
Why must the things I spent tangible time on crumble within a twinkle of an eye?

Dear God,
If not for my mum
I will beg you to take away my life,
But since I love to see her eat the fruit of her labour over me,
Please I beg of you,
Put an end to this pandemic season,
Let this hard time cease,
Turn both time and tide around to favour me
And give me enough reason to rejoice.

17TH APRIL, 2020.

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