in #poetry4 years ago

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Stay indoors, there is fire on the mountain.
Stay safe, the earth is on fire.
For COVID 19 is angrily devouring anyone in sight
With little chance of survival for its prey.

If the earth is on fire,
If staying indoors is the surest way to avoid COVID,
Isn’t it too cruel to stay indoors without food?
Truly COVID kills mercilessly,
But starving to death is as dangerous as COVID

A hungry man is an angry man
Only a living man can either be hungry or angry
COVID-19 carelessly kills
Hunger carefully eliminates life
What exactly is capable of being the solution to this pandemonium season?
What can humanly do to be a true survival of this harsh era?

No more income,
Savings degrading with time,
Food scarcity arising,
Death rate increases,
Lockdown continues
Advance boredom level unleashed,
Yet there is no solution to this ongoing crisis.

Dear God,
All we have now is you,
Please God,
Lead us out of this pandemic season,
Forgive every nation of their sins,
Let peace reign across the globe,
Restore our losses,
And shower your blessing upon every nation on earth.

19TH APRIL, 2020

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