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RE: Shall I Compare You to a Charging Rhino , Not a Valentines Day Poem

in #poetry7 years ago

You forgot Rhino in the title of the post I do believe...
Never the less, I remember this one when it was new.
Still a classic and think you are in a very select group of folks that have been compared to a rhino, a white rhino at that!!!


Cheers ... my editorial staff is well appreciated. Yes I feel pleased to have made white rhino totem status ... maybe I will start a track suit company and write rhino on the behind. Do you think I have winner? LOL:):):)

You better copyright that quick or Im stealing it :)

Get that sewing machine out. I I tell you what ... you do the work and I'll let you licence it for 10 percent of the gross.

Rhino written on butt ... copyright Pryde Foltz ... lol:)

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