Seeking the End of the World (But too lazy to start the revolution)

in #poetry7 years ago

The World Calls To Me


There is nothing left to my reality.
Eventually all roads seem to lead, towards the same goal... to the same things. Eventually, all efforts hit a wall and to every end there is a beginning and th S the cycle is complete.

Sink or swim, we are all on a cataclysmic path to find the ending.
Rock bottom.
What more can you ask for when your in the land of Sodom? There is little left to probably be our worth. Don’t deny the truth.
We’re all clamoring to see who can die first.

The Eventual End

Every single society that has chosen to live like we do now, has fallen short. When pedophilia and pornography is the norm, art and esoteric mystery shows to us that there is a division formed.

We see things through excavation of history that leads me to think that we have all been here before. Technology of stone is proof that this isn’t our first time at the rodeo, and yet people seem to think that we are better off than those cavemen, primitives that lived so long ago.

Don’t be fooled by the current state of affairs. None of us are safe here. While the world is still filled with wonder, inventions, arch tech tire and the possibilities to be greater... all of us are falling short. Our own demise is created from the lies told for too long. There is no longer a purpose to even strive for. As we shit upon ourselves, rolling around in feces like swine, all I can think about is, “Why?”

Why bother?

Wouldn’t it be better to simply start over and hope for better luck next time? Of course , there are no guarantees... but when are there ever in such things?

The Human Revolution brought us consciousness of varying degrees, development of the self was supposed to bring a positive change but all it leaves us with are vanity and other sins of morality. The war waged upon ourselves does nothing but quicken the pace towards proverbial hell, as it encapsulates the lack of virtue that will eventually lead us to our own individual hells.

Love illuminates all of the ways that this world falls short. Cracks and fissures forming underneath, as our souls fall short. Heaven closes its doors and we’re turned out, but I get the feeling that even this we have done before. None of us remember Eden anymore, let alone what we are fighting for.

I Want To Go Home

The irony is, as a communal creature, we can’t evolve alone. No matter how much we bark about individuality, focusing in the personal responsibilities of each small shard of divinity, we can’t keep denying that we exist in this co-reality. Everything before us is not as it seems. Life is hardly about contentment or containment, it’s far too much to be sorted out alone. There is more to life than what we can sort out in our owns and unfortunately for those can seeking little more than entertainment, the laziness that ensues will result solely in our arraignment by the highest court. Not that of man, but based on the rules of that which is beyond our existence.

Our Time to Shine Passes Us By

So I ask again... WHY? What are we doing here? Why bother to move forward when we’re moving in arrears, mimicking monkeys as we masturbate to fear? What are we doing here if not to be part of the solution?

It may be too late for that. It may be too late for all of us. We are all one step away from turning to dust, becoming fodder for some archeologists in the future to discuss as they sift through the garbage, scratching their heads as they wonder why we just slept through the revolution.

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