senyumanmu :{{{Your smile is the spirit of my days{[[[

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Terlintas di benakku akan senyum manis mu
Terukir senyummu di khayal ku
seakan engkau berada di depanku

Senyum mu begitu memukau hati
Aku terhanyut dalam senyum manismu
Senyum mu memberiku rasa yang berbeda
Rasa yang membuat hari-hari ku
menjadi bermakna

senyum mu seakan tak terlewatkan
dalam setiap detik waktu yang ku lalui
dalam setiap ingatan yang ku bayangkan
karena engkau adalah senyum terindah ku

translate to english
Come on in my mind will smile your sweet
Engraved your smile in my imagination
as if you were in front of me

Your smile is so breathtaking
I was swept up in your smile
Your smile gives me a different flavor
The taste that makes my days
become meaningful

your smile is not missed
in every second of my time
in every memory I imagine
because you are my most beautiful smile




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