Mengertilah Aku (Understand Me)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)




Kata bagaikan belati yang dapat menembus kalbu
Lukanya tak tampak, tapi sakitnya akan bertahan lama
Tak jarang pula membekas, walau tak tampak jelas
Lukamu bagaikan busur yang melesat
Secepat kilat menancap ke arahku
Bertubi-tubi ke tubuhku

Padamu yang pernah aku rindu
Mengapa tak bisa bermanis ucap padaku ?
Kau menusuk, mencabik hatiku
Mengapa tak bisa berbaik padaku ?
Meski aku bukan benalu bagimu
Bahkan tak pernah terpintas sedikitpun membuatmu pilu
Tetapi mengapa kau begitu ?

Bila dekatku adalah siksa bagimu
Biarlah aku menghilang sejauh bintang
Yang masih dapat menerangi malammu dan ciptakan indah di kelam malam
Tak masalah bagiku, asal kau bahagia
Daripada bersama tetapi kau selalu menancapkan sembilu di hatiku

Aku bagaikan mayat hidup
Ada namun tiada di hahadapanmu
Kali ini saja, pahamilah aku



A word like a dagger that can penetrate the heart
The wound is invisible, but the pain will last a long time
Not infrequently also made an impression, though not apparent
Your wisdom is like a bowsing bow
Quickly lightning stuck in my direction
Tubed into my body

The one you've ever missed
Why can not be sweet to say to me ?
You're stabbing, tearing my heart out
Why can not you be kind to me ?
Though I'm not paradise for you
It never even occurred to you to make you sad
But why are you ?

When near me is punishment for you
Let me disappear as far as the stars
That can still light up your night and create beautiful in the dark of night
It does not matter to me, as long as you're happy
Instead of being together but you always stick a nil in my heart

I am like a living corpse
There is but not in your face
This time only, understand me



Follow: @naja

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