Sleep in peace as you live on

in #poetry6 years ago

Seven times I watched you die, six times you were in my arms, the seventh time, you never came back.

You made my little light to shine bright with meaning.

You braced me with your embrace. I was confident in you.

There must have been a way for you to have warned me of the coming demise

so maybe I could have been better prepared,

but what kind of friend would you be to watch the light in the eyes of your beloved fade away while you were still alive?.

How can I not understand your departure in silence.

You were my moonlight and sunshine,
my assurance and

my smile and joy.

I was lost, lost in hope that you had just gone somewhere for a while and will be back.

I don't even know if you were as lost as I am,

maybe you were also lost in hope that rainbow will someday have a taste,

and we will all
be happy again.

How can I not understand your departure in silence.

But I wasn't ready for you to leave, no one leaves like you left,

I know it must hurt you too, it must have hurt you more,

I new nothing about a lot of things,
Your advice helped to advance my life

I still had a bunch to learn, but you didn't want to push me too hard,

you did what you could the best or at least so you thought.

If you won't be a part of your beloved smile in future, why not give him all the smiles when you can right?

You gave me so much to smile for

How can I not understand your departure in silence.

Every average human have probably lost someone - a loved one, close friend, relative in their lifetime. Its always so painful and sometimes the people left behind never recover. When I lost someone close to me, it was really hard for me to get by, I was too introverted to express my feelings, so I would mourn alone when no one was looking, besides I did not like people telling me sorry, because they I thought they could not understand what they were telling me sorry for. Sorry is a word I find difficult to tell someone who just lost a loved one, for one, it cannot change anything, so why are you telling me sorry, so I should stop mourning? Stop feeling what I feel and act like everything is okay when its not? The people saying the sorry would only be there for that moment, so what happens after you wipe my tears for the moment then leave me back to my reality, my reality where I will never see or hear from the person that shared a part of my soul, then I isolate myself to save everyone the trouble, the trouble of having the need to say sorry. Anyway, I probably thought as a child then, as I grew up more, I began to understand what it meant to sympathize and the effect sympathy has on a lot of people. I gradually understood the meaning and act of condolence and that sometimes sorry is not actually meant to take the pain away, change the reality or alter the past, sorry as a word of condolence only shows the act of sympathy which is the understanding and reaction to the distress of another life form. I hated the way some people smiled and told me sorry, like are we smiling here, please get out of my side,but now I have more understanding that the act is not a means of mockery but just that different people have different ways of expressing their emotion, by the way if no one was saying the sorry and were all crying, it would have been a total mayhem. Someone has to be strong and strength can be shared.

There is time for everything under the sun, there is even time to mourn.

We lost a dear fellow steemian today, and with so much grief in our heart, I say rest in peace dear Onos.

This song pacifies me somehow anytime im in grief, I cant explain why, but I will share it with you guys, its titled Fix you by Coldplay.

Here are the Lyrics.

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
'Cause you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
But high up above or down below
When you are too in love to let it show
Oh but if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
oh and tears come streaming down your face
And I
Tears streaming down your face
I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes
oh and the tears streaming down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

Live love and learn. Shallom



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