Our sun, our star

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Our sun, our star ...

From my skies, a sky has darkened,
From my stars, a star has fallen,
From my suns, a sun has not come out again,
From our garden, a flower that decided to go,
Go where the universe shines without ceasing,
Where there are no pain or discomfort.
It has gone far from this earthly zone,
To cross the seas of the spiritual,
Where man is no longer body,
And it is simply soul,
Where there is no longer breath,
Making way for calm.

Of my treasures, a treasure has been lost,
From my moons, a moon has not appeared,
Of my loves, a love has already departed,
But I will continue to love it even if it is not with me.
Because a love like that is not for oblivion,
Despite the pain you look like I follow,
You take care of every step I take with secrecy,
And give me strength while I hesitate.
You will not be a wandering memory,
You will always be the changing idea,
That illuminated the blind glances,
Blinded by wandering thoughts,
From my minds battling storms,
Ignoring inadvertently the lovers,
Those who breathed their lives,
Those who guarded their nights,
Who looked to the future in those days,
And now they live their nights.

From them I learned that only one life,
Only one of these is not enough;
That love is not a measure,
But the strength that all tames.
Happiness is not achieved without struggles,
Well, you must fight for what you love.
This is the only way to enjoy this life,
That for some starts,
And for others it just ends.

Wherever my sun has gone,
Wherever my star has fallen,
Wherever our love is,
He is happy without frontiers.

By: Mariangeles Gonzalez

This Poem is for my grandfather that died a few years ago...Wherever he is...I just want to tell him that I love him so much ♥

Nuestro sol, nuestra estrella…

De mis cielos, un cielo se ha oscurecido,
De mis estrellas, una estrella ha caído,
De mis soles, un sol no ha vuelto a salir,
De nuestro jardín, una flor que decidió ir,
Ir donde el universo brilla sin cesar,
Donde no hay penas ni malestar.
Se ha ido lejos de esta zona terrenal,
Para surcar los mares de lo espiritual,
Donde el hombre ya no es cuerpo,
Y es simplemente alma,
Donde ya no hay aliento,
Dando paso a la calma.

De mis tesoros, un tesoro se ha perdido,
De mis lunas, una luna no ha aparecido,
De mis amores, un amor ya ha partido,
Pero lo seguiré amando aunque no esté conmigo.
Porque un amor como ese no es para olvido,
A pesar del dolor miras como sigo,
Cuidas cada paso que doy con sigilo,
Y Me das las fuerzas mientras vacilo.
No serás un recuerdo vagante,
Serás siempre la idea cambiante,
Que iluminó las miradas ciegas,
Cegadas por pensamientos errantes,
De mis mentes que batallan tormentas,
Ignorando sin querer a los amantes,
Aquellos que dieron aliento a sus vidas,
Aquellos que velaron sus noches,
Que miraron al futuro en aquellos días,
Y ahora viven sus trasnoches.
De ellos aprendí que sólo una vida,
Sólo una de ésas no alcanza;
Que el amor no es una medida,
Sino la fuerza que todo amansa.
La felicidad no se consigue sin luchas,
Pues se debe luchar por lo que se ama.
Sólo así se disfruta esta vida,
Que para algunos inicia,
Y para otros simplemente termina.

Dondequiera que haya ido mi sol,
Dondequiera que haya caído mi estrella,
Dondequiera que esté nuestro amor,
Es feliz sin fronteras.

Mariangeles González


Truly beautiful poem, loved how the beginning and end brought it full circle. This will probably go on my wall if you don't mind? Will follow and and look for more!


Can you show that this poem is mine? Because this poem I wrote by my grandfather that died a few years ago..so...Is like a honor for me if you do. Thank you.

You should add a little note before or after the poem about your grandfather so when people re steem it everyone will see it ❤️

Beautiful testimony to your beloved Grandfather.

This is an excellent poem, heartfelt and gently flowing. It's a wonderful testament to the love you have for your grandfather. I really liked the repetition of words, such as moons, suns, and stars, because it made the effect more dramatic and powerful. I was wondering, did you first write it in Spanish or English? Because it actually seemed to flow very well in both languages, which is impressive. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

Spanish and thanks for your comment!

Very nice poem! Enjoyed reading it!

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