Physician Heal Thyself
The NHS, now its own A&E Dept Casualty,
Lay on a trolley haemorrhaging resources
Banknotes for sticking plasters peeling away
Into bloodthirsty hands
Hands looking out a slice of liver here
Or there a desirous delicacy, plucked fingers
Palming a payroll impudent predators
For gain rip out
Guts and preparing piping, devilled luncheons
They pass around the fare amongst themselves
Limpet-like parasitic creatures on a night
Stalking the wards like feral canibals
Scouring for monies, which count above what others
Foregoing miss unheeded
Here is an ailing woman patiently
Suffering evils – her business; no-one elses
Contented to abide all nagging sore discomforts,
Contending in her pain with spirit graciously
Here is a bended man whose sickness lingers
Having made his bed and kept him company
Shamed and diminished by such strong constancy
Let these drabs be
Drawers of funds from off repute and hospitality
Consideration, treatment, oaths aloud,
Who with slave ungenerous sense of injury
Fish pots of cash
Stashes of meagre tarnished silver pence in hand
Set up above a common, human, need
Ahead any thought of comfortable consideration
Clink! joy is to hand!
How might a house divided stand against itself
Its own destructive power destroying in the land
This preying on one another lawfully; who withstands
It? No man
Or woman, or child, or family might remand
This drift; together only might might stem the flow.
This stand comes from one’s heart or otherwise we’re empted
Iniquity undermines.
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Management, ever thus.