Whatever Is Wrong with that Lady (five quintets) -Steemit School Poetry 100 Day Challenge - Day 12, Poem 10

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Hi, folks.

I’m back on Day 12 for my 10th Entry to the Steemit School Poetry 100-Day Challenge.
I’ve come up with this thought that old age is wrongly associated with loneliness and melancholy (not that it’s wrong), but there are happy old people, and I think it’s healthier for kids to embrace the idea of old age as a time of fullness, as harvest time, without this necessarily meaning grandchildren and the conventional stuff. Then, here’s a piece of Children’s Lit of my own: five quintets, amphibrachic rhythm.

I'll be glad should you be able to read and comment it.

(Al final, una nota y su traducción al español.)

Best of lucks to all contestants.


Whatever Is Wrong with that Lady


Whatever is wrong with that lady.
She’s old with no man and no chores.
She has no raging fits,
but the books that she reads
of good Jesus for sure they speak not.

Whatever is wrong with that woman.
So scandalously living her life.
Neither children she has.
Never seen at the mass.
Of good wine and fun games buys all kinds.


Whatever is wrong with this madam.
Brunette charms are all turned to snow.
She was pretty enough,
but the flower took not;
not the ring seven times in a row.

Never think she regrets being alone.
And forgive my good sense as I speak.
I can’t get what you mean,
or pretend I can see
whatever with that lady’s wrong.

Only one thing I’ve failed to expose:
She’ll be pleased if you come for a talk;
you could drop by her place
any time of the day,
but do call, for she’s busiest of all.


Translation into Spanish:

Qué pasa con esa señora. /Está anciana, sin quehacer, sin esposo. /Nunca monta en cólera, /pero los libros que lee /es seguro que no hablan de Dios. //Qué pasa con esa mujer. /Lleva una vida de escándalo. /Tampoco tiene hijos. /Jamás va a la misa. /Y compra solo juegos y vino. //Qué pasa con esta madame. /Sus cabellos ya se han vuelto nieve. / Era muy buenamoza. /Pero no aceptó la rosa; /Y al anillo siete veces dijo no. //No resiente jamás estar sola. / Y disculpa mi sincero decir. /No puedo comprender, /o pretender que ya sé /lo que sea que con ella va mal. //Solo una cosa me falta exponer: /Complacida está de conversar; /la puedes visitar; /cualquier hora está bien, /Pero avisa pues es bien ocupada.

Reading Notes: Advanced

Thanks for reading.

See you tomorrow with another poem.

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Jajajaja. ¡Ya encontré cómo quiero ser cuando sea "grande", @marlyncabrera! :):):)

¡Qué bueno! Comentaba en la introducción en inglés que es literatura infantil, un poema que habla de la tercera edad como algo feliz sin que esta tenga que significar nietos y toda la receta tradicional. Creo que es sano para los niños manejar estos asuntos fuera de los estereotipos. Gracias por leer, @nancybriti

Muy buen tema para un poema, le da una frescura tierna y las imágenes complementan el mensaje que quieres enviar. Bonito trabajo, @marlyncabrera. Felicito tu arte.

Gracias, @zeleiracordero ♥ Es un poema infantil. Me divertí un montón escribiéndolo :)

Beautiful poetry A well-deserved recognition. Greetings.

Thanks, @corderosiete. Old age certainly deserves it. Hugs!

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