Love Me Dumb Love (free verse) -Steemit School Poetry 100 Day Challenge - Day 26, Poem 23

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Hi, folks.

I’m back on Day 26 for my 23rd Entry to the Steemit School Poetry 100-Day Challenge by @d-pend, with a love poem (first love poem I write for the challenge and longest of my entries so far). I hope you can read it and get to like it.

I'll be glad should you be able to read and comment.

Best of lucks to all participants.

                                                     Love Me Dumb Love

“I love you more than all my golden treasures.” It’s all I wish to listen when I’m mad.

Do write me a poem
as foolish as the heart.
With hyperbatons dribbling,
of verses a set.
Injudicious appositions,
my honey pet.
A rosy chiasmus,
of crossed roses.
Fill my page with overkilled
epithets of teen absurdity,
my sweet honey.
Engage in the most
whimsical rhetoric
to render me fine-looking
—when I’m not. Say her “eyes
are nothing like the sun.”

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

Love me much and more
in a sonnet.
Be my personal Shakespeare,
of fantasy happy endings.
Do write me
the stupidest love poem.

Do write me a love poem
of rhyming verses.
Find my spring in November.
Be my Valentine of this February,
only lucid in my cracked reckonings.
Strangulate the air of my recitations
with the string of a polysyndeton,
for I’m tired today, and mad,
and I am sick with forgetfulness
and my head won’t think
and I’m confused.

My High school sweetheart
is nowhere to be found,
and your wrinkled face
won’t show him to my belief.

                                                         After so much struggle,
                                                         after decades,
                                                         I am but sixteen today.
                                                         Sixteen and in love,

                                                                                       A memory glimpse, minute,
                                                                                       like a teasing bug,
                                                                                       brings a bit of current time.
                                                                                       I shed a tear just as little.
                                                                                       You hold my hand.

                                                  Your gray hairs,
                                                  they speak of the years…

                                                  I’m mad with forgetfulness.

But myself who leaves me
now and then
knows you love me, babe;
you love me dumb.
She whispers,
whispers in my ear.

                                                         She says you should come
                                                                                                                  silence me
                                                                                                                                                with a kiss.

Thanks for reading.

See you tomorrow with another poem.

Reading Notes: Advanced

Here, the link to Steemit School Discord.


Wow... that's an intense love poem! I really love the way you've laid it out and weaved the images in there. This kind of arrangement really adds another dimension to the whole flow of the piece!

Really deep and profound.. merits a couple of reads!

Also, I learnt a new cool word haha - polysyndeton


Great work <3

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Thanks, @hartfloe. This poem is really special for me.

¡Hermoso! Es tan sublime como el amor al que le canta. Excelente, @marlyncabrera. ¡Felicitaciones!

Gracias, @zeleiracordero. Por aquí alguien botó una lagrimita al pasar la cuarta estrofa :-) El amor es así. ¡Un abrazo!

Maaaaaana @marlyncabrera, felicitaciones. Este poema acaba de ganar el nivel avanzado en la semana 4. Esfuerzo y dedicación ya ven sus frutos. Te aplaudo y abrazos.

Gracias, @nancybriti ♥ Este poema me llena de tanto.

Por cierto, me llama la atención que escribas en este, cuando la versión en español está en la siguiente publicación. En qué andan los cumaneses, vale ☺

Congrats. Well deserved.

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