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RE: L'eremita ingenuo / Gullible [ITA/ENG]

in #poetry7 years ago

So true. Death and life and all of that. We are deep in this dance right now. My daughter in laws father just passed away and she had brought him to their house to live the last weeks of his life and held his hand as he passed in a less than peaceful way. Now, all of us are dealing in our own way with death being the reality of life. The four year old cried when my son told him (he was with me when his grandpa passed), the 6 year old got angry, and now is starting to cry a little, my daughter in law is trying to erase that last picture of her dad from her mind and replace it with a happier time picture, I am reminded of my dad and my mom whose hand I held when they passed but also of cancer and how short life is.... That mantis fits right in.....
When you have time, I love for you to voice record your poem in Italian. Still figuring out the radio show, but I think we can play prerecorded clips....
And we are an international crowd :)


Marianne, thank you for sharing this with me. Im deeply touched for what you and your family had to face and feel it..the awareness of our limited time never prepares us enough when we face the passage directly in our lives. Sometimes I would like to be just pragmatic and bold and consider death just like that, a passage. Like that silly fear that we have of entering in the cold water of a mountain lake but then, once we finally win the resistence and we're in, everything passes. The poem speculates on a dream of new words and new paths we may walk in this quest long a lifetime 🙂 I would be honored to record it as many allitterances were purposedly inserted seeking for rythm and musicality.

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