Writing Wednesday #3 - The Breakthrough

in #poetry5 years ago

Writing Wednesday #3

Writing Wednesday #3 (1).png


The Breakthrough

Sunder thoughts come when the delicacies of freedom
get overtaken by the intensity of emancipation.
Both love and hatred evaporate simultaneously
when the circulations double,
or even in some cases, quadruple.
Weakness is personified and acknowledged.
Bluntly jotted down thoughts, on the other hand,
stay untouched by the minds of mere mortals
immersed deeply in states of such unconscious.
The artist, in such circumstances, caves in,
sometimes to reach nirvana, and sometimes,
sadly, to reach the pinnacle of depression.

Steady heartbeats ponder
as necessities flow following incomprehensible paths.
Pre-meditated ideas flee the heart through portals
untouched for eons due to the deceiving lies told by eejits.
It is hard to protect one’s treasure,
as pirates invade the waters from every direction.
There is far more to geography
than the four corners we are lied to about.
The drenched collective dropped into the juices
of rebellious behaviour strives.
The non-existing to these ex-slaves conditionings
eat the creative meat of their colleagues daily.
Not to mention the illusory duality;
choice between two is an illusion.
Inversely proportional to the world,
these individuals grow as the system collapses.
This journey - tedious and prolonged -
holds a lot of inevitable mishaps ahead.
Rejection by ones with man-made power,
to some, is too much -
it brings them back on their designated track -
yet to others, it is a disguise-less blessing.

Depending on the nature of the single minded
and not so single hearted -
as all hearts are interconnected -
consciousness, the results vary.
Incomprehensible mesmerisation
and obsession with unity
seem eerie to binary computers,
yet it is deemed as second nature
to trees and other miraculous inventions
constructed by nature.
Never before heard voices
are as ancient as Ophiuchus’ existence.
The message is old.
The messenger thought,
is being reborn every moment;
there is no still river.
Perhaps laughter will cure illnesses
whose symptoms are seriousness,
and whose victims support its effect.
The put out cigarette is non-existent
on the scale of cancerous destruction
which is dominated by non-physical physicalities.
And it is this circulation, ironically,
that stimulates the emancipation.
So how is it that addicted zombies still remain so?
Pills alone won’t prevent pregnancy.
The conscious act of ejaculation
in the cold mist of orgasmic moans
is, too, needed
to ease the post-intercourse worry.

~ Luka Korba.


'The Breakthrough' is the first free-verse poem I wrote back in Autumn of 2016. Many more free-verse poems followed soon after, but none explored the theme of free-thinking and simply jotting thoughts down on paper as much as this piece. I was sitting in Chemistry class in school, deep in thought, when a plethora of ideas for a poem suddenly came to me; I picked up a pencil and wrote this poem on the back page of my copy.

A realisation occurs in the first stanza with the personification of weakness. The opening two lines state that lack of freedom creates distance between a person and truth. With that state permanently gone as 'the circulations double', one develops a dependancy on an internal part of the external. Self-realisation reveals weakness. The art which is being produced simultaneously to this is being miscommunicated with the world. This inflated ego boost caused by a feeling of being different induces either a state of enlightenment, or flings one right into the realm of blues.

As the need for an escape intensifies, one's stillness becomes numbness. Despite of that, we are able to express the inexpressible in this state. Stay true to who you are. We are being deceived. Those who realise that excel. This deception plays with the puppets, as the puppeteer plays with the deception. Unity is all. Operating on different levels, the puppeteers enjoy the burning of Babylon. The road to fire is a bumpy ride. Feeling unwanted or unloved evokes either obedience, or reveals the lack of power of Babylon.

That which is induced depends on one's karmic predicament. Human consciousness, unlike unity consciousness, interprets things in a polarised manner. That which is new, is old. All is cycles. Action must continue. Lila - God's play - is the key. Physical destruction is nothing compared to mental destruction. The physical weapon is an emancipator. Why are things as they are? Karma. Theory alone won't take you there; you must be there - be here now.


If, whilst reading this poem, you have been able to find your own meaning in it, I invite you to share your interpretation down below. It would be a pleasure to read what your thoughts are on this poem.


Sources -

Image 1 - Be Here Now



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