in #poetry6 years ago

-Guarda las palabras que nunca me pudiste decirme, guárdalas en hojas y séllalas con un beso de tus labios mojados por lagrimas que nunca veré.
Guarda los sentimientos que nunca me demostraste por temor a enamorarte como yo de ti, guárdalos en canciones y te torturaras al escucharlas.
Guarda aquel beso que nunca me diste, guárdalo quizás la vida te dé la oportunidad de poder dármelo.
Guarda los Momentos que nunca vivimos por el Miedo del que dirán y recuérdame como el Amor que nunca mereciste y aun así no lo supiste aprovechar, guarda mi aroma, guarda mis poemas, guarda mis canciones, guarda el recuerdo de lo que una vez fue y ahora jamás será, guárdalos porque es todo lo que te quedara.
Luis NG Gonzalez

-Save the words you could never tell me, save them in sheets and seal them with a kiss from your lips wet with tears that I will never see.
Keep the feelings that you never showed me for fear of falling in love with me like you, save them in songs and you will be tortured to listen to them.
Save that kiss you never gave me, save it maybe life gives you the opportunity to give it to me.
Save the Moments that we never live by the Fear of those who will say and remember me as the Love that you never deserved and even so you did not know how to take advantage of it, keep my scent, save my poems, keep my songs, keep the memory of what once was and now it will never be, save them because it is all that you have left.
Luis NG Gonzalez

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