Nicotine Stinger (pardon my profanity.)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

BAFACA10-2529-4532-A40C-DD117779D84C.jpeg3C6A4101-F9E6-434C-9B74-201645E03F4A.jpegWhy do you devour and disgust me daily
Nicotine you drink my goodness, and eat my life away

How extremely dangerous
A real conspiracy
You are actively killling me
You won’t let go of me

you strangle life
You taste like damage
Shameful wife

So thick and smoky
Made me a fiend
Sooth as you choke me

Why do I want
To taste it now
Your murderous puff
A sickening cloud

Tar - sticky
Ash - Dusty
Crash- Musty

Why can’t I stop ever smoking and smoking and Smoking used to kill me slowly but now it only owns me 14-17 times a day

Holy water can’t put this out
Cherry burns and fuels my doubt

I can stop
For a while
But nicotine knocks
On the door to my willpower
And somehow it’s unlocked

I experience rage when I deny myself smoke
I hate how committed I am to this joke


I suppose if it kills and I know yet I smoke still
Do I commit suicide with each slow inhale
I impale
My self
My heart
Each time I smoke in the dark.



Girl, I have just what you need. I found this video and I think this is the answer to the problem! Or at least it will cheer you up xx Lucy

Hilarious omg

Heh heh, that's pretty funny. And we didn't even have to pay for the 5 minutes. Shhh. :)

That's right we saved our money and we now have the answer for all our behavioural problems ;)
xx Lucy

STOP IT! ;) Heh.

I had just seen him in Big Bang Theory reruns. It was weird seeing him again the same day.

Nice work @lorilikes...I've missed you! Nicotine addiction is particularly insidious (don't get me wrong, they all suck) trust me. It'd be easier if everytime one indulges you have to watch a puppy suffer in some way.

The puppy thing would only make me wish I had a cigarette to give to the psycho so he would leave the puppies alone, then I would be so stressed I would need a smoke too - thus perpetuating the problem. or should I say puppetuating. 🐾Puppies are people too.

whoa...that logic is "spot" on!.....A+ for the creative use of puppertuating!

I've never heard cigarette addiction talked about like that. You do have a way with words though. I never picked up smoking and I've been glad I didn't. The health costs alone are high... as are the financial costs.

I don't know your journey or struggle, but I hope you can get free. Being trapped by things that are trying to destroy us isn't a pleasant feeling. I know there are various smoking cecession programs and tools. Have you tried those and they didn't work?

Time to get pumped up about getting free! We can probably just watch Braveheart on repeat. :)

Yes thanks for the positive thoughts :)

called addiction. starts subtly and friendly but can wreck life like HELL.
Stay away and dont try anything. enslavement is the final port.
puff, puff, puff! Hell, hell, hell.
stop, stop, stop
dont, dont and D O N T.

Thanks bud I know I know

Hello dear,
Nicotine is very addictive and even when people know it's killing them bit by bit, they still puff on. It is committing suicide albeit gradually. The best way to stop it needs an exercise of A lot of will power .
Nice one there @lorilikes, you portrayed adequately what goes on in the mind of a nicotine-addicted smoker.

A well versed poem with a message. Not everyday we get to see contents like this

hello @lorilikes is a nicotine that can calm a moment and suffer prolonged, and to fight lust must have a strong adhesive, like we do post steemit and believe that will get many votes and reestim from friend steemit, congratulations ahead of our night here.

indeed, it is difficult for everyone to break away from nicotine,
because nicotine addiction is very influential for humans,
I myself if there is no cigarette it feels bad to do my activities,
I am one of the millions of people in the nicotine-addicted world

hello @lorilikes happy to say hello to you, good post and good job, nicotine is for use by medical if we wrong use will depend on it and it is not good for our body. best regards @lorilikes from @boile

Drugs can be friends that are sweet on your face but they are the ones who stabbed you behind. Friendly killers

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