How Does One Get Past Venomous Intentions

in #poetry7 years ago

E6F48354-31D5-498A-83BB-89CB92D4DF67.jpegI trace the outline of what was spoken
It’s not possible to silence this

I cannot fathom hatred
I don’t know it
I don’t like it’s face
I don’t deserve it

I am a positive light shining
Despite my poor choices of recent past

I have something important in my world
First I have shame for my missteps, and that is a sincere and true state of mind.

Then I have heart.
It beats.
It’s a sequence of its own fierce rhythm.
I dance to its marvelous off beat.

I am not as pitiful as my peers seem to think,
Nor am I a doormat.

Why have I been reduced to tears repeatedly after much effort and much struggle to right the wrongs on my side of the street?

This is the making of a great divide but that is not my want nor is it my goal.

I can’t continue to be the punching bag for the ones who are in position to be my mentor. My captor. My demise.

I do not wish on my enemies the sadness loaded into my arms, from my very own most admired friends.

I cherish.
They ravage.

I enhance.
They belittle.

I invite.
They lock up the door and draw the curtain.

They prove to me repeatedly what I prayed would never be...

And that is ...that they don’t love me. 💔💔💔💔

Stings painfully sharp
But a boiling vat of unjustified slanders
Does not a reality make.
Does not this heart burst or break.

No I do not permit this unfair humiliation.
Buzz off is just what I should do
How unfortunate for you, who shunned your brightest star while it was falling.

The character revealed itself to me and it was baffling. It was demonic. It was you, who I saw in an incorrect light as a pure and noble advocate for all that is righteous. I was clearly misinformed by my inner guide when they whispered that I should listen to you.

When they said I should stay with you, I should not have been so agreeable.
I should have looked to my shoulder and I may have seen the devil was the one whispering the sweet dream.

You are not what I thought
You are a withered false lie

You’re incredible, literally
No credibility in those eyes.

Not anymore.
I don’t believe you.
I don’t believe in your cause.

You wreak havoc on me when I am below you carrying your world as heavy and burdened as the greatest of martyrs. You are mistaken to think I should be cast off this way.

I’m a planet of love
You’re a sink hole of fear
I’m a sincere and good person
You’re a paranoid peer.

You know all that static you see inside me?
It’s you. Namste. Look in the mirror - you’ll see.

I’m not the one who hates myself
And I don’t punish far away friends
The way you came down heavy on me
For the story with no end.

You blew it.
I blew it .
Hey, I did make it right.

You knew my weakness exploiting my past
You came with a vengeance but your fight never lasts

Since you are just as fickle as the weather each day
One sunny warm Monday
Without listening to the mind you betray.

What is in there, in darkness?
What is that you hold?

Is it misery, man, because it’s getting old.

I will abandon my post if you don’t stop this hate.

Hostility looks very bad on me, and worse even, on you.

Just stop with the Snyde catty comments and think...
Does That girl deserve to be scarred at the brink

It’s unimaginable
To hurt another this much
But this isn’t the first time
You’re a broken crutch.

But I owe you. And you owe me. We must complete this bullshit paperwork before parting the sea and letting my talent sail free to the telegraph of coins or the desk of coins whose offers I refused until today.

I may make the call that will change my surroundings
And miss me you might if you don’t stop the crowning.

Love not.
👀As you were!
Love him,him and her.
👣 Don’t try to be kind
Just remind
remind me
Of Him
The one magical face
The handsome
Now distorted
By his own disgrace

It won’t matter in one week
He will forget how he stomped

He will look up bewildered
And his friend will be gone.

My world will come crashing
For days.
But not weeks.
Yours will stay boring
You won’t find what you seek
Not without significant changes
And upgrades to your scene

And the reason is simple sir....
it’s because you are MEAN.


Three words! OH MY GOD!
Lori, if someone ever described how i felt after a whole year in a wreck i called a relationship, it's you!

I do not wish on my enemies the sadness loaded into my arms, from my very own most admired friends.
I cherish, They ravage.
I enhance, They belittle.
I invite, They lock up the door and draw the curtain.
They prove to me repeatedly what I prayed would never be...
And that is ...that they don’t love me.

It was stinging. painful. I was in agony, i think i must have prayed for death one time in the bathroom.

How unfortunate for you, who shunned your brightest star while it was falling.
The character revealed itself to me and it was baffling. It was demonic. It was you, who I saw in an incorrect light as a pure and noble advocate for all that is righteous.

Some people just come into your life, and show you how lovely and good they are, and you, being of a pure heart, simply trust them only to find that they're the exact opposite of what they appeared.

I won't say much here, but we could talk sometime on discord, dear @lorilikes

I'm so glad to come here and see all the support you have babe. You were right about your Steemit friends. I can tell from their comments that they adore you. Just not as much as I do. Remember, when you are dealing with snakes, they bite, but it is not contageous. You can recover. The people that Love you will be the anticdote to the poison you've been a victim too. Keep on shining babe. When demons try to bring you down, the best thing you can do is take the high road. You are the brightest light in my life. Who cares if you made a few insignificant mistakes in your life? Who hasn't? From where I'm sitting, the only difference between the mistakes you have made and the mistakes your once trusted peers have made, is you have always had the courage to own your mistakes. Lying is easy, lashing out is too. Anger is easy, pointing the finger is too. Putting it all on the line to adhere to your honest nature and righting what you beleive was wrong had to be the hardest path to take in this matter. But I know you well, and to you, it was the only path. I love you Lori. Your brave even when being attacked by demons. Thankfully,the crypto community is the smartest and can clearly see who you are and they see your aggressors for what they are. I'm Yours forever and forever on the front lines defending from whatever bullshit battle the universe wants to throw at us. I've got your back. But you already know that.

I have to say something again. CHRIS. My love. My human soul mate, my defender.
You are more wonderful than I ever thought, you have truly shown me your strength and in the face of adversity you stand by me. I can never express how much it means to me. Thank you handsome love of my life. Thank you. ❤️8CFC3959-0602-464B-8D86-31F733F7502A.jpeg

✨❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨oh my gosh. Thank you so much. When it all comes down to it, you are my hero Chris. My one and only light in the shadows. I love you too! 👣.
Thank you so much. So much.

Wow, that's a lot. I started reading this a few days ago and realized that I need more bandwidth to focus on it. I'm really sorry that you're going through that. You don't have to be a doormat or a punching bag for anyone. It seems that when it rains, it pours, and you've had a lot of rain recently.
I don't really have any words to make it better, except "don't give up." As long as you don't give up, you're winning. Sometimes that's all we can do, and it counts as winning, even if it doesn't feel like it.
It's often not easy to do the right thing, but it's worth it for the peace of mind at night. Good for you for choosing to try to fix things.

Keep your eyes up above d giant
Fix your eyes on him who holds d key
keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and
Your Goliath will surely fall
The giant appeared cos you
Are a step away to your DESTINY
praying for you.


Thank you!! I don’t wish any one to fall. I only want them to stop trying the block my path.

@lorilikes dear,
It is only the devil and the heartless and souless agents that cannot be touched by the outpooring emotions of yours. Someone asked the other day, "why do good people suffer more than the bad".
Hear this, some of the things that look bad are only road to the top, your destiny.
I read from the bible that the heart of man is VERY deceitful and DESPARATELY WICKED. No one can know it except GOD. In decision making lets involve the almight GOD who knows all things. (Omniscient). He leads the way right. Trust him.
I like your never give up spirit. It will ultimately pay off by GOD'S grace. Dont give up.

Really needed to hear that, thank you.

great poetry nice one. you had expressed emotions and they reach to every reader.

Hmmm...... Quite a load-ful Lori. Every day we come across people who hurt us, fake friends who turn to stab us IN the back, they are everywhere my friend, they are part of life. I always pray we detect them early enough before they wreak havoc.
Thank you for sharing.

and in the meantime
you're still in your world of hurt,
I will soon shine, far from you
away from your anger and your lie.
I don't need any more darkness.
I deserve to shine with the light of my smile
that would mark in me a life of joy....
always away from you.

Maybe the translation won't help me... but in your words it reflects a situation that my life is currently living in.... I must learn to heal obscurities, beautiful letters friend, I congratulate you.

Translated with

I hope I don't get to use words like "great poem" "awesome poem" and the rest.. Hahahahaha....

But then, let me express it how I felt or received it.

I cherish.
They ravage.
I enhance.
They belittle.
I invite.
They lock up the door and draw the curtain.
They prove to me repeatedly what I prayed would never be...
And that is ...that they don’t love me.

I felt like I was actually the one writing those words.

Sometimes there are some feelings you can't actually put into writing and when you try to, you write a little but those little words are deep.

This is exactly how I felt reading this deep and lovely poem.

@lorilikes, I "likes" you. Haha


Oh my.. It is a very lenght poem. I have read A to Z. I believe that you know which ant bit you. I stuck my words in silent. Hope this storm will be ended soon. Thanks @lorilikes, keep cheerful.