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RE: "An Unambiguous Tutorial on How to Write Metrical Poetry" by Lannie Brockstein

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Hey @willymac,

Methinks that the same way in which society is beginning recognize the value of organic whole-food ingredients (including probiotic and prebiotic foods) and nutraceutical medicine, society is also beginning to recognize the value of a classical education, as well as the value of metrical poetry and other forms of classical art.

As for those whom are willfully illiterate...the reason they are unwilling to learn proper punctuation, for example, is because they have a learning disability, and the reason their teachers do not confront them on that is because they are afraid that those students will go on a murderous rampage.

As for those whom eat junk-food (including conventional produce that was grown with pesticides, or is genetically modified to produce pesticides, and thus is harmful to probiotics), they cannot easily be reasoned with because they are addicted to th'alcohol that the non-probiotic microoganisms of their microbiome produce, and that is why they have no success with nutraceutical medicine which requires for the person's microbiome to be properly populated with probiotic microorganisms in order to be effective.

Methinks that a real improvement in diet is what shall eventually bring forth a real improvement in th'appreciation for classical art.

From Lannie.


society is also beginning to recognize the value of a classical education

I doubt very strongly that there are any valid statistics regarding the US public school system that will show that. I wish it were true, but that is more wishful thinking than reality. Seeking a conversion to classical education when our system cannot teach basic reading and writing is not going to happen as long as teachers are required to pass their students, regardless of performance. It is more important avoid damage to their self-esteem that failing them would cause.

Do some research on the Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore school systems and see what obstacles exist to real education.

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