Gus Boy

in #poetry7 years ago

My first encounter was
Gus. Now, now don’t go
Thinking Gus was an
Innocent old man of a
Horse. He was nothing of
The sorts. He was like
That of my father; rough
Around the edges with
A stubborn attitude; an
Attitude in which sur-
Passed his name. During
The early morning of a
Beautiful summer day
Father says “fetch my
Horse.” I took of for
The open paster. “Gus
Boy” came from my
Wheezing mouth as Gus
Just stood there. “Like that
Of an old fart” crossed my
Mind as I made my way
Across the field. Looking
Back at me I could swear
He was smirking from ear
To ear. Within ten feet now
And for every one of my
Steps I take; Gus takes two
More. Stopping in my tracks
I look at Gus and with
Frustrating upon my throat
Adult words being flowing
From my mouth like that of
A naughty sailors waterfall.
“You pig headed asshole,
Your wasting time and father
Is waiting!” With a silent hurry
I started towards Gus; I am
Within reach of his backside.
When with one full thrust Gus
Hikes his back leg; nailing
Me in the chest I found
Myself upon the ground
Breathless. Watching as
Gus made his way to the
Front gate were my father
Was standing. With a smile
From ear to ear I knew then
I had learned a valuable
Lesson; Gus was a Jack-
Ass and my father knew it.
By Kelly Clegg


Naughty Gus. Enjoyed it... as usual

Thank you @stanleyc-md. Gus was the most stubborn ass of a horse I have had the pleasure of meeting. Haha I warmed up to him. I am glad you have enjoyed your read here today!! Always the goal!!

It didn't go well with Gus that day, but you made a memory for yourself!
Thanks for the poem!

No it didnt end well with Gus that day but I will let you I made damn sure from there on out i came no where near Gus Backside;) Thank you @kenny-crane I am happy to hwar you enjoyed your read here today

so whats your job, what will you do after that

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