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RE: The Will to Change [Day 2]

in #poetry7 years ago

So yeah, Happy 'fuck every guy who searched "when is international men's day" on google' Day. Cheers.

That part got a bitter laugh out of me. The rest is just plain sad. Thank you for having enough empathy and courage to stick up for a spider. I'm sorry for the rest. Bullies suck. I never got beat up physically, but kids at school loved to make me cry, and the psychological repercussions of feeling alone and unwanted took a good deal of time to overcome.

((hugs)) to you, and ripples of

((( (( ( peace ) )) )))


time heals all wounds, @katrina-ariel, exceptionally grateful for these kindest of words and just the warm heart and grace that follows in your wake everywhere you go here on Steem.

I don't even know how to thank you for this sweetness. All I can say is thank you for being you, for being here, for seeing me (truly), and for caring as much as you do. Much love!

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