POEM: Downtime

in #poetry5 years ago

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I haven’t fallen off the blockchain. I'm still here. Self-care has come to the forefront of my priority list, along with spending time with family.

I had a little scare a month ago and it helped me readjust my perspective on life. I tend to be an overachiever—this has nothing to do with being the only child of two overachievers, really. ;)

Lately, I’m learning to step back.




I have pushed,
And pushed,
And pushed myself,
Knowing I’m tired,
Unable to help
The impulse to create,
To do a little more,
Till I’ve gone too far,
Find myself on the floor.

The pattern repeats,
Not letting up.
Write until midnight,
Empty the cup,
Fill it with chocolate,
Smoky dreams and hope,
Till I remember life is more
Than trying to cope.

Enough pushing, now.
Hold those kids near.
Fill the cup again,
Start to see clear.
Rest, then rest more,
Take care, be kind
To your body, your heart,
Your soul, your mind.

To be present you must
Have something to give,
Pushing too hard
Is no way to live.
Life is too precious
To be measured by tasks.
Love is the treasure.
Make it last.

Original writing by Katrina Ariel.


Thank you for reading. May this serve as a reminder to be kind to yourself. ;)

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
Photos mine unless otherwise credited.

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of life.

Dragon art by Liiga Smilshkalne.

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Self care and family... definitely two very very important things. Without this base, all other things become much much more difficult and pale and much less enjoyable! Hope you are finding your personal balance!

same here, I'm in and out but not gone... also readjusting and also had a scare and readjusting... hope everything is fine and we are in touch, here, there in between :)

Sorry to hear you had a scare but glad to hear you listened it and took some down time, we all and soem of us more than others want to be super heroes and do it all, but sometimes we have to listen to our bodies and dial it back a bit

A beautiful poem and take care of yourself

Indeed. Dial it back - sound wisdom there. Thank you very much for the sweet comment. :)

Speaking from age and experience I have had to dial it back over the last few years myself and it helped a lot :)

I can so relate to this
Sooooooo sooooo relate to this

Happy Easter to you and yours <33

Thank you, darling. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. My best to you and your family.

LOVE IS THE TREASURE.... That is SO true! ❤️
I know you have had much on you lately and worked so hard my sweet friend, but you need to take care of yourself and don't push yourself so hard.

You are amazing just as you are and don't need to measure yourself with others.
Think of all you acomplished in your life and how far you come 😊 find that inspiration cause damn it girl... I do You are it!
You are superwoman and such a mama bear 🐻❤️
Loved your poem and feel you.
I love you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, sweet Sass. Trying to take care of me and rest up. You too, eh? Take care of you and get to sleep early. ;) (((hugs)))

I'm glad you are taking care of yourself it's really important, I think we all forget at times and need to be reminded 😊 you have been busy with so much that you need a break and breath to 🤗
Not easy when you have twins wanting their mama's attention I bet.

You are truly amazing my friend and such an inspiration. Much love 🤗💕
I'm working on taking care of myself to lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry to hear you have been unwell, it can be very easy to overstretch ourselves and end up unwell. Beautiful poem and I hope you get some good rest and feel much better soon.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks so much. Sometimes we push till we drop, then regroup. ;)

Loved the message :)
Somethings are too obviously true that we forget to think about, then we forget..
So thanks for the reminder ;)

We remember, we forget. I think this is the crux of being human. ;)

Just beautiful and true!!!

Aye, I often forget the self care part. Thanks for the reminder 🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah. Just yeah. Every word rings true with me. Very nicely done.

Time between is just that. Time. The putting some time between posts seems to be going around a bit.

It does, you're right. But I'm glad self-care seems to be a focus for many of us. So important. Thank you for the kind comment. :)

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