in #poetry8 years ago


Aries says: Oh father, why hast thou forsaken me? Or is it instead I who have forsaken thee?
I am the Logos, the Way, the will to be,
and there is nothing to heed but the calling of my destiny.

Taurus says: I want, I need, I feed, I bleed, I yearn, I churn, I abide solely by my creed,
my two eyes devour all that’s in sight, values forged thus offer desire no respite,
till one eye is shut against the darkness, and the other turns toward the light.

Gemini says: In the beginning was the Word, and by naming each unnamed thing, thus did
my syntax grow, now I communicate with and learn from others in the herd,
and by training perception the tamed can sing songs,
that only gods did once know.

Cancer says: The birth-giver and nurturer of form am I,
mother and milk to that which is hungry to be fed,
the past as anchor and swollen current to the present,
the umbilical cord, from planetary heart to humanity’s head.

Leo says: I am the playground and the child, the palace, the queen and the court,
I am the director of the play, the admired, the desired, and the treasure sought,
I represent the Will as triumphant over circumstance,
“And amongst all these dreamers, I too, the Knower, dance my dance!”

Virgo says: This emptiness within, this vacuum I seem never to be able to fill,
draws the world in toward me – the lover’s grasp, the woeful eyes,
the hand set to kill,
all this I absorb through the temple of my body, into the crevasses of my soul,
piece together the fragments, mend the broken, and restore the divided,
now rendered whole.

Libra says: Am I this mask and is this mask me? That allows for my acquiescence to diversity,
choose! The manifold voices beseech, and in so choosing seal a doom,
the scales are justice, and justice cannot be reached, unless separate threads
be woven into a single garment, the many from One, and the One from many returned.

Scorpio says: I’ll take you to your Ring-Pass-Not, where even angels fear to tread,
for it is by continually merging with something beyond ourselves, that new life can emerge,
from that which was once dead
to penetrate and transform whatever you hold fast
for mine is the desire to trespass

Sagittarius says: An ever-receding horizon expands upon the periphery of my gaze,
there is so much more to this than meets the eye, a thousand worlds to explore
on the head of a pin, a babble of tongues to decipher, issued with every sigh,
and always the eternal question: Why? Why? Why? From gypsy transformed
to student, transformed to teacher am I.

Capricorn says: The less I say, the more I’ll appear to know, let everyone else blabber on,
I’ll just listen intently, and watch as my power grows.
Step by step, up the rugged mountain I climb, with sweat upon my brow I persevere
tis the heights of authority and dignity that beckon me, and lo now I am here.

Aquarius says: I can’t yet put my finger on it, but something’s not right, there is much rotten
in this kingdom, the truths smell like falsehoods, and lies mingle with every breath,
yet not one amongst you will oppose? So it shall be I,
better to stand and speak out against foes, for silence in the face of oppression,
is a fate much worse than death.

Pisces says: I dream and my dreams are not of now but are future borne,
my only solace I find in the silence between thoughts,
it is from this timeless matrix that all matter is spawned,
beckoned they shall follow us, deriving sense from the visions we have caught.


I love these! What a creative way to express the various mentalities of the astrological signs!

Thank you very much :)

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