when the spirit says yes - a poemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry5 years ago (edited)

even if I want you
immediately, instantaneously
my feelings will unfold
slowly, delicately
with the consistency
of your presence


So this poem is obviously a very tender piece. It was written while I was trying to understand why I felt so hesitant romantically or sexually when I was attracted to people. It was peculiar because I wasn't necessarily shy or self conscious about intimate relationships. Just... reserved. After a lot of growing and trying different things, learned over time that naturally I like to get the "lay of the land" so to speak. 😂

I saw plenty of examples in life and in media of people saying they wanted something and just going for it quickly. I tried that many times, thinking that if I wasn't moving quickly I wouldn't move at all. But age was a good addition here because with time I've learned that I naturally flow into the right moment to do something when I feel like it's time. It's good to have self control and do things you don't want to do sometimes, but it's also very freeing to be so in touch with your body that you don't need to wonder when the right moment "is". We can miss a lot of beautiful things about life if we try to rush too quickly. I seem to have a slower pace to things than I was taught to recognize so it feels good to have faith that I am on time, no matter what my pace is in relationships.


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That a lovely piece that you wrote there and I loved how you explained it. That's true in life always go on your own pace and if you think it's not for you just walk out of it. Thank you so much for sharing us your inputs and Have a great day!

I like the way you explain the entire reasoning behind your poems. It is like you are opening your personal thoughts and feelings to the world and inviting people to get to know who you are on a personal level. It is also nice to know that not everyone gives in to societal pressures. Most of societal ideas are simply fads anyway, and what is 'in' or acceptable one day is not acceptable somewhere else or in another time. I've always believed that we should be ourselves and not necessarily bow down to ideas that go against our own. Most people choose to be followers. I generally choose my own path, regardless of whether it follows the crowd or not.

Thank you!

It can take some time to find our own voice, but everything is so much more comfortable when we do.

Thank you but not really. I'm prepping to go to art school in the fall. ^_^

Oh nice. What kind of art? Or more specifically, what is the end goal of taking the classes?

I'll be getting a 4 year degree in fine arts so the end goal is to be a professional artist. ^_^ The school is pretty interdisciplinary so I'll probably take a mixture of painting, sculpture, photography, and book arts as I like.

That sounds like fun.

The part I'm concerned about is that most (traditional) artists are starving artists and their work is never recognized until after they die.

You could mitigate that by becoming an art teacher or by focusing your skills in digital art where you could use your skills for advertising, movie industry CGI or the gaming industry. I'm sure there are other possibilities but I think those are the biggies.

Enjoy, and good luck in whatever route you choose.

The internet has created a lot more opportunities for artists through social media, print-on-demand, games, licensing, etc. I feel like I'm going to spend the next 4 years working on building an audience so that I have a foundation for when I need to strike out on my own. With a substantial audience, I feel like my options are a lot better.

This is excellent!!

I've always been naturally shy, especially with intimacy or romance. My family wasn't particularly touchy-feely, neither were my friends, and even with romantic partners in university I was a bit shy. Something like dancing lessons was super confronting, but I gradually got used to being physically close to people, either platonically or romantically.

I know that's not really what your poem is about, but that's what I thought about... I wanted to hug my friends or partners, but I needed that consistency and the small steps in order to feel comfortable doing so. Even know I'm still weird with my family.

Thank you!

I have definitely had a lot of growth from dance lessons in terms of getting used to being close to people. ^_^ There's actually a swing dance club at the university I'm thinking of joining.

I love this! My experiences very much echo this sentiment, as well. I have also felt as I get older I forget about what society dictates as normal and just go with my own flow. I'm definitely one that takes time to ease into any type of relationship, but when I do I'm fiercely loyal!

It's so refreshing to just go with your own flow!

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