Happy And Sad

in #poetry6 years ago

A well written poem that we can all relate to.

There are so many things I love about this poem, it translates a pain that we have all been exposed to at some point in our lives. Or maybe, even still.

One thing that made me love this poet is how she was able to make happy and sad seem like people. Facing them with a powerful blitz, knowing they will forever be a part of your life.

Making feelings seem like people we have to live with in our everyday lives would seem to equal truth, but I beg to differ. We do not have to live with the ugly feelings and the dark cloud they bring with. At the end, aren't we the one's who ultimately decide what and who we choose to feed energy to?

I found it to be very creative; or in better terms, poetic with a brilliant twist of shadiness.

I also love how this poet surrendered to these emotions but knew well enough that running away from sadness lands you nowhere. One must battle issues head on and know in their mind, body, and soul that everything you had in you was left in that fight.

In that fight to survive!

To rebuild yourself and conquer what was yours from the beginning!

That is the ultimate lesson I received in reading this poem.

Happy & Sad by Sumita Datta


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