A Mother's Tears By Amy Peterson

in #poetry6 years ago

Amy Peterson captures the essence of beautiful poetry by speaking from the heart in the name of her son.

'"Poem About How War Changes Someone
My son went to war.....and there is nothing more helpless to a mother than knowing that her son could be dying without her and far away from all that he knows and loves. I dedicate this poem to my son, Sgt. Daniel L. Pocan, whose heart and soul was left in Iraq fighting with his comrades, may you find peace and freedom, and to all soldiers and their mothers still separated by war."'

This poem was written with so much passion that it brings you to tap into emotions even if you can't fully place yourself in her shoes.

A poem written by Amy Peterson

A Mother's Tears

There's more to the story,
than what just appears.
A war written story,
from blood and from tears.
My son went to war,
a very proud man.
He fought in Iraq,
on the hot desert sands.
He witnessed his buddies,
his comrades, his men,
bleeding and dying,
he witnessed their end.
Where is Pvt. Tommy?
He's blown up all around,
his comrades spent hours,
picking him from the ground.
Sleeping in holes,
dug in the sand,
dreaming of home,
but it's become foreign land.
He can't tell his enemy,
from family or foe,
as he watches his friends sent out,
with tags on their toe.
He knows his Mama,
is sleepless like him,
and he tries to send word,
whenever he can.
He tries not to worry,
his family at home,
the horror that he faces,
he faces alone.
His mission is over,
he's sent back to me,
he fought for our freedom,
but he'll never be free.
He yearns for his buddies,
that died over there.
He's caught with the living,
in a doubled looped snare.
He screams in the night,
for the battle still roars,
as he lays in his bed,
he re-lives all the horror.
Nobody heard the fight,
he still fights,
except for his Mama,
who comforts him every night.
He never will be,
the son I once knew,
the war killed that part,
for freedom, for you.
Great Nation, Great Leaders,
and all those who will hear,
Freedom began
on a mother's first tear.



This is lovely, oh wow.
My respect goes to all family of service men and women and those who serve to keep us safe.

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