in #poetry7 years ago

Into your hands
I ran as your arms comforted me
You wiped my tears and listened and I wailed on
dark-night-of-the-soul.jpgimage source
you were my sun in my abyss of sorrow
oh how I sunk in d abyss of her lies
But you saved me
My dark night

Not my typical princess charming
My fears and doubt didn't let you in but you waited
you caressed my heart with your love

we made love and u drove me to ecstasy
Fucking me hard yet caressing my heart with care and attention
I couldn't take it

It was too good to be true
another trickster I thought
I built my walls higher but u kept destroying it

My dark night rugged and flawed
I collapse in your love and let you fuck away my past,
caress me in the present and whisper sweet promises of the future
I'm excited and scared

Will you break me like d last did??
Or will you stay thru thick and thin
Will you weather the storm with me??

Will you heal my wounds calm my fears and be my courage?
My dark night
Mine and mine alone..

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