
Aw that's fab, the line the crows can jeer no more really grabbed me in that last part :0)

Thank you so much. This poem is very personal to me, as it's based on my own life journey. I'm a far different person now than I was then, and proud of the strength I've gained over the past few years.

You absolutely should be! :0)

Thank you so much for always being supportive; I really appreciate that.

And likewise m'dear!! :O)

This is a definitely heartfelt redition. It's obviously a truelife story- your life's story, but intricately and beautifully woven into something much more, something everyone can relate to...

A grappling story of the grinds of life that makes us stronger in the aftermath.

This is a pure beauty...

I'm glad you made it by to read this one - you understood why I wanted you to, and I know there are things you can relate to as well. Thank you so much for the lovely compliment to my work as well; it's much appreciated.

It's stuff like this that make me truly wish my upvote were worth more. Definitely my favourite of yours yet.

Oh my! lol... Crazy, I just got a notification that you upvoted my post. Seems we're looking at each other's work at the same time ;P

LOL, I just saw this as I was writing a comment on yours ... got interrupted by the telephone, hence the delay, hehehe. I'm delighted you like this one so much; it was definitely difficult to write as it's very personal to me and I felt rather vulnerable when writing it. Thank you so much.

Wow, what an image, desolation of body and soul, but redemption. Nicely written! Love it!

Thank you so much! :)

Absolutely. It was really good.

kindly follow back and upvote my posts please...

Why should I do that? Did you even read my poem? Did you leave a relevant comment on something that took hours to write? Your comment is not only rude and inconsiderate, it's spam - only the fact that you upvoted saved you from having me flag you.

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