Your face in a coffee poem

in #poetry6 years ago


Inspiration will continue to sing but inspiration can not explain.

Inspirasi akan terus bernyayi-nyayi namun inspirasi tidak dapat menjelaskan.


Tired but his pace keeps dancing behind the wall looking for your face in the middle of nowhere.

Lelah namun langkahnya tetap menari dibalik dinding tembok mencari wajahmu yang atah-berantah.


I'm just a bitter coffee lover, forgive my love if you do not like it.."

"Aku hanya pencinta kopi pahit, maafkan cintaku jika kamu tidak menyukainya .."


Chanting coffee poems in every verse.

Melantunkan puisi kopi disetiap ayat.


The charm of your face is chatting in my coffee mix so much a lot of poems that want me write it down.

Pesona wajahmu bercengrama dalam adukan kopi ku sehinga banyak sajak yang ingin aku tuliskan.

Thanks. @hendriwardewa


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