Y2K FU They told me I would be the spokeman of the next generation. Pah!

in #poetry8 years ago

Alright well I accept the challenge! ;) Stirred around in one spot, held down, made to rot. Made to swivel and swerve in one spot. They shouted hey kid stop fidgeting. They don't know it's how I concentrate. I'm getting my exercises and stretching in , with my restless leg syndrome! I never give in! for I grin. This is my chagrin. at the spitable, despicable meanifull meaningless jargon. Still I see through truth through lies.

Unable to concentrate, to keep my place, to keep up pace. It's okay not to participate in the rat race. Tune in , Turn on and Count Out. No I've found enough time to find and refine my mind! I never believed in the bogus fallacy of purchased leisure time. May the uptight unwind!

The keep bumping the kid off their ride! Distracting them! Scaring them! In our twisted culture they punish children. Getting reared on getting careered. Messing with their function! All the while people are fed technology anomalies where no one has a clue the effects of the technology. What's the effects of screens on brains!? What's the effect on social media sensationalised on social critters like humans. What happens when you feed kids drugs so they can concentrate on bullshit. No one knows!? Wacky experiment. Words, concepts, myths that are only believed and not questioned. These so called scientists act just like christians. Fundamentalists all! Help! Help! Get me outta this cartoon version of the world!

Apocalypse. Sicko self proclaimed prophesies of doom! What extinction!? Install a clutch on this death drive! Is it that humanity is stupid polluting the world while withdrawing into phantasy!? Where has everyone gone! Is there any original thought!? What! No! Only fantasy and running away! No this is Mortal Kombat and just like Scorpion - Get Over Here!! Ya got that hillbilly!

The small town hicks will beat the city slicks.

Who, What when, why and who!? And Who is asking. Isn't this just a bust of garbled gibberish. That may be. Just let me get my bearings. Ranting on, lunatic unwise. Or !? Babbling until learning how to speak. I gotta re learn to speak again. How to walk and talk again.

I fought hard to keep my complex even though the souls may seem in another time and place. I encorporated others personality into my own. I alone own the owness of others I've witnessed and naturally take only the best parts. You will live again in forgotten dreams from my eyes. But only I will know it, unless your able to ask me.

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