JAZZ POETRY / A VERSE IS A JAZZ PHRASEsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Two weeks ago I wrote about a song inspired by jazz and movies
and about the semantics of reference. The song I was writing about
was called ''Street Car Named Desire'' and you can read about it
and hear it here: https://steemit.com/music/@grobens/a-song-inspired-by-jazz-and-famous-films-the-semantics-of-reference
It was mostly inspired by old movies and my favorite jazz musician
John Coltrane.


Today, I came up with a new approach and wrote a poem consisitng
mostly of various John Coltrane quotes from some of his interviews.
The idea was to try and replicate the writing process of such authors
like W.S.Burroughs, Kerouac, J.G. Ballard, J. Cortazar and others
who wrote by following a train of thought and arranging it into scrambled
fragments that could only construct a whole in the mind of the reader.
For example, in his book ''The Atrocity Exhibition'', J.G. Ballard writes
about a psychotic man with apocalyptic visions of the world around him.
The book has no clear beginning or end and it is divided into smaller
sections, similar to reading an encyclopedia. Here's an example:


The approach that I came up with follows a somewhat similar technique
but uses real sources and real quotes to form fragmentary pictures
and also tries to mimic a way in which jazz players think in short, cut-up,
improvied phrases, rahter than a complete a priori structuralized melody.
Here's a phrase from Coltrane's ''Giant Steps'':


So, I started to search the Internet for any available Coltrane interviews
or already cut out quotes, information about his work & life, lists of his
most famous compositions and really anything that is related to him
both as an artist and as a person. I made some notes so I could review
the information later and decide what I want to use in my poem.
Here are some of my notes:


The really tricky part was to try and replicate the ''jazz phrasing'' that
I mentioned before, transposed into verse. The obvious choice was
to write my poem in free verse (sort of like Whitman did it) but to
emphasize the sudden changes in lenght, rhythm and rhyme
of each line to make it look and sound like a saxophone improvisation.
The only repetative verse Iused was placed inside a poem like
a theme is placed inside an improvisation. Each line is meant
to work separately as well as in corelation to any other verse.
I wanted the verses to feel and sound as though they rhyme
with each other even when the actual rhyme is missing so I
constantly read it out loud to myself as I
was writing it. Here's what I came up with:

I believe in all religions
except love
and I have to feel I'm after something
all the time
I think I know what it is
but, damn, don't ask me to
say it
or to play it
or to write it down

Now, you've shed the skin
of yesterday's desires
and you're basking in the midday sun
you are like a vampire
you always need somebody else's blood
and you've had years of sucking down on
those you don't even love
I think I know what it is,
but, damn, don't ask me to
say it
or to play it
or to write it down.

Now, you've carefully constructed
yourself to be a saint
you, the oblation and you the flame
I believe men are here
to grow themselves into the best good they can
but you are the kind of saint who prefers to
wear a crown
I think I know what it is
but, damn, don't ask me
to say it
or to play it
or to write it down.

I would like to bring to people
something like happiness
I would like to discover a method
so that if I want it to rain
it will start to rain
I would like to discover the truth
but the truth is that truth itself
does not have a name
and I know who died and made you
John Coltrane
but, damn, don't ask me to
say it or
to play it
or to write it down

if not for you,
who's gonna bang on the drum?

Please, tell me what you think.
I'm really wondering if any of this makes any sense to you, and
most importantly, does it feel, sound or look like jazz?

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