Forbidden Romance by the Lake

in #poetry8 years ago

      As we came out of the lake her naked body was glistening in the sunlight and I knew that I just had to have her. But then she approached the mailman that was walking up the road, in an attempt to make me jealous. She began shaking her tail at him in some mating ritual that absolutely infuriated me. I knew I had to act fast, so I quickly approached her from behind. I reached across her breast and I bit the back of her neck to prove that she was mine and to prevent her from getting away.

      “Damn the rules!” I thought to myself as I began to take her from behind, with the frightened mailman watching in horror. As our bodies met I felt a great rushing sensation and in the height of ecstasy I went to whisper how much I loved her in her ear. But all that came out of my beak was a strange quacking noise. So I shook my feathers and waddled off, hoping next time I would be born a man.


Thank You!
This is a new genre for me
I am glad you liked it

nice twist, made me smile.

Thanks mate :)

Nice post I seen you're shout out this on .

Thank You! :)

It's a well-written short story, rather than a poem and personally I wasn't amused at the end just because the rapist turned out to be a bird, who wished he was a man, rather than a man. However, I might have laughed if he went on to be hit by a car.

Thank You
That is high praise for someone who hated the content, I am tempted to go order duck soup to eat for lunch today and to take a picture of it, just for you.

Thanks Again!
You made my day :)

"hoping next time I would be born a man."

I can speak for like most dudes when I say being a man is kinda damn awesome. :D

Also, ducks are fun.. on the internet no one knows you are a duck!

@kyle knows what he is talking about :)

I am glad
I laughed too

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