You Are Already: One Girl's Epiphanies And Affirmations

in #poetry8 years ago

Awaiting inspiration only breeds procrastination,
Action not anticipation is the cultivator of ideas.
You are the creator of your dreams.

Establish your own life balance,
No potion or person knows your unique requirements.
You are the expert of yourself.

Experience your grief, sadness is not a weakness,
Wade through it, bath in it, be sure not to let it drown you.
You are resilient.

Giving up is for the departed,
As long as you have a pulse, you have something in the tank.
You are strong

Retain your faith in humanity,
Refrain from vesting your salvation in any other human.
You are your own saviour.

Create your reality, it exists only in your mind,
Reframe it and manufacture it a new from gratitude.
You are the creator of your own window to the world.

Allow for solitude and reflection,
Mindful contemplation brings balance.
You are divine.

Balance introspection with interaction,
Allow yourself to be vulnerable, and invest in others.
You are connected.

Participate and find your people,
Contentedness is seldom found in isolation.
You are a social being.

Other peoples fears are constructs of their world,
Define your own possibilities.
You are inspiring.

Observe the beauty in the everyday,
Divinity hides within the mundane.
You are surrounded by wonder.

Distinguish assertion from obstruction,
Establishing boundaries delivers clarity.
You are entitle to tell people how they may treat you.

Turn sadness into insight, and pain into strength,
Build from your hardships, create resilience from endurance.
You are so much stronger than you know.

Stand tall when you feel small,
When the silence deafens you, and you feel your voice is lost, scream.
You are entitled to occupy your space in the world.

Be neutral in the face of fury,
Someone else's fear is not yours to carry.
You are not responsible for the emotional responses of others.

Graciously acknowledge advice,
Then if you wish, unapologetically discard it.
You are the holder of your truth.

Acknowledge your wrong doings,
An apology has the power to disarm.
You are allowed to make mistakes.

Food is neither friend or foe,
It is just food, eat and enjoy.
You are living in an organic vessel that requires fuel. Treasure and sustain your body.

Recognise the wonder that is your body,
Thank it for providing you with an amazing place to reside.
You are a miracle.

Forgive yourself,
Imagine if you spoke to someone else the way your internal dialog speaks to you.
You are ready to challenge those false ideas.

Discard the shackles of perfection,
It is but a myth, and alludes true happiness.
You are already all you ever need to be.

Do not allow this misguided world to tell you who you are, who you can be or who you should be.

YOU ARE! It is that simple.


words and image by @girlbeforemirror


'Divinity hides within the mundane'. This one really resonated with me! Thanks for sharing your uplifting insights!

Observance in the moment is like the practice of mindfulness. It doesn't matter where you are, it is there.
Thanks for reading:)

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