A trepidatious journey. (Original poetry.)

in #poetry6 years ago

Everybody knows you should never ever walk, alone at night or stop to talk.

We are told since day one, do not stray from the tracks, don't roam alone, or you won't be coming back.

All girl's are told repeatedly, don't linger make haste speedily.

Avoid encounters don't confrontate, move in a pack and don't be late.

Safety in number yes congregate, but never linger long nor separate.

Move as one maintain formation, proceed swift to your destination.

If you should find yourself in a sole position, you must be armed with sound munition.

Walk a purposeful way without delay,
take tall long strides avoid bold hip sway.

That's what our Gran would say when she called us girls to talk, describing artful deportment, an assertive style of walk.

A particular balance deemed optimal, a confident stride head up stand tall.

Adopt an air adverse to stall, and never turn your head should you hear a catcall.

With regards to gait walk straight don't swagger, don't understate look meek or stagger.

Fix your gaze upon urgent a matter, impress you're expected no time for chatter.

Don't go looking for danger and trust no-one, don't engage a stranger be prepared to run.

Don't take a chance lest you risk your fate, use your phone as though late for a date.

Yes speak loudly that you're on your way, just a couple of minutes, you clearly say.

Be vigilant and know your surrounds, look over your shoulder not fixed on the ground.

Make use of your peripheral vision, remember that kick dad showed with precision.

Stay in the open and avoid dark lanes, if there's other woman stay in close domain.

Use what you have as a make shift weapon, keys, umbrella a whistle to deafen.

Do not wear clothes that attract attention, that may suggest other intention.

Good gracious Gran you can't be serious! however just a glance shows she's not delirious.

Just a look conveys her inference, a glint that says heed experience.

It's been years now since our Gran passed, sentiment of those words still hold fast.

But I must say this too, I never once did hear,
my Grandfather to the boys declare.

You are your choices, behave yourselves,
don't act like beasts, respect all girls.

Treat all people well and be honourable, your sister should be safe on the streets as well.




I love, LOve, Love this. Walked me back down memory lane. I curated you here: https://steemit.com/curation/@rensoul17/speak-to-me-in-poetry-a-steemit-curation Thanks for all you do @girlbeforemirror.

These are the right words i appreciate this. @girlbeforemirror

You are your choices, behave yourselves,
don't act like beasts, respect all girls.
Treat all people well and be honourable, your sister should be safe on the streets as well.

That's really beautiful.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your poems are always awesome

Do not wear clothes that attract attention, that may suggest other intention.

iTimothy 2:9
9 also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire 10 but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion.

Your words comes from a loving mother like you Marg :) as mirrored in your poem.


Absolutely delicious.

take tall long strides avoid bold hip sway.

That phrase has triggered a wave of chuckling that has yet to subsist. For some reason, I imagine you as a bit of a cheeky, "bold hip swayer," probably worthy of special attention from your grandmother, despite your post-hoc inference of innocence. Indeed, if I had to classify your genre of poetry ... :-)

Not to poke too big a hole in your thesis but:

You are your choices, behave yourselves,
don't act like beasts, respect all girls.
Treat all people well and be honourable,
your sister should be safe on the streets as well.

That paraphrases a million withering speeches that I and my two brothers received from our father. While there are, unfortunately, hyenas in the world, so too there are lions. Make sure you write poems for both.


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