Young At Heart - Haiku Poem

in #poetry7 years ago

Young At Heart

My entry to @moonleesteem's weekly haiku contest.

Young At Heart.jpg

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Left Hand Image Source


Would you say that's an "age old" question? :)

It's strange to feel like a stranger from the outside looking in. The inside is still young, but the outside got old. I wish there was a way for others to see me as I see myself.

Then, I try to move. Yep, I'm old. :)

It's the hardest thing about the vlogging for me @glenalbrethsen. I hate to see the way I look. I simply cannot relate to the face I see. It's been that way for a while now but with certain light the effects didn't seem so bad. Now I feel I look my age. And I don't like it.

It is a strange phenomenon though. Minding the way my body has aged makes sense because it has a daily impact on my life. But why should I care what I look like? It's not like I'm looking for a mate and I've never been particularly vain. Looking OK was always good enough for me. I've never been big on make-up or fashion. And yet I find I care that I look as old as I do.

Actully I have an idea . . . I might make a vlog on it. 😊

I think all of us look in the mirror and wish we didn't have to age. It might affect women more than men because of the differences between men and women to start with, along with whatever other societal influences are dropped on us.

As you posted earlier about the items you were finding and discarding for the first time in years, the items themselves weren't the reasons you were feeling melancholy or emotion. Who knows if there might be something else similarly involved here?

The mind can be flat out weird sometimes. :) Maybe if you do the vlog on it and you walk yourself through it you'll discover the reasons.

I'm not having a good day @glenalbrethsen so don't want to talk about aging after all. 😁

I'm trying to get my head around buying some Steem and I'm getting into a bit of a pickle. I need to focus on that for a bit and try and work out why I used a specific card with my Revolut account last week.

I'm sure it made sense to me at the time but I can't for the life of me work it out now.

Thanks for your thoughts though. I always appreciate your contribution! 😍

My grandma always said she still felt light a teenager inside and that it was so weird to slowly look different on the outside. ✨💖

I'm surprised how hard I'm finding it lately @mountainjewel. I feel about 28 most of the time and still like a teenager at others.
I simply cannot relate to the face I see in the mirror at all these days.
I'm not someone's who's spent much time worrying about looks but this age thing is much harder than I expected. it just feels plain weird. 😢

My heart goes out to you. How do u feel when you look into your own eyes? Sometimes deep eye gazing with myself is very nourishing and helps me “come home”... maybe it can help make peace? Ultimately societies standards of women’s appearances is very horrible and we’re led to believe aging makes us unattractive. Certainly we cannot stay young forever, but I believe we can learn to love our changing selves... I recently have been noticing more lines, redness, all of this I myself too so I’m talking to myself also 💙🙏

I've been sort of OK with it until this year.
I'm not sure whether it's also to do with the fact that I'm approaching the age where my dad died so I'm very in touch with the reality of time running out.
Also, hanging out here where there are a lot of young people, setting off on new adventures. It doesn't seem a moment a go that that was me and suddenly the years have flown by.
Not sure where I go from here to be honest. Taking one day at a time but it feels like a different phase.
Anyway. Enough pontificating. It's bed time for me.
Thanks for listening. 💙🙏💙

❤️thanks for sharing your heart.

I'm not a youngster anymore, I'm young forever...

Sharp poem.

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