TRUE LOVE - Does It Really Exist?

in #poetry7 years ago

Here I am, at the end of my final year and moving out of the house and decided to find a proper job to make a living on my own and a girl to tell everyone that, ‘Even though she is my second love  yet, her first love is me’. I wasn't really searching for another love anyway cos I never wanted it to end the first way; it was tragic, it lasted only for two month.

I requested my father to cover my room rent until I find a decent job. Well my father accepted it on one condition  that I have to help my him with his work. He is the head of the town library, it was always filled up with people and books pilling on the tables, so he needed few extra hands to get the job done.


It was kind of boring arranging books everyday, yet I worked every single day because I was interested in a girl who often came to the library. We used to stare at each-other but we never talked until she suddenly approached me and asked to recommend her few books from  different genres and then we started exchanging words.
Her name was Riya. My junior, studying second year in our college. She was quite and shy. Most of the time she keeps pretty much to herself. She wants to talk to people, but couldn’t find the right topic to talk. It  is how  she was. But she was doing her best for her debut book. She is on  her way to become a full-fledged Author. We started to talk to each other  more often.


 As six months passed, our words became late night calls. And as our  friendship has gotten stronger,it has taken us one step closer to the word we say “love”. She was spacing out in the library stuck with her  lines. She wasn’t able to express her thoughts,when I noticed it and asked  her. When I came to understand her problem,I told her about the girl  that I once loved and how I ended up with a broken heart. 


 “I started dating her in my second year but as time passed i thought  something was wrong.Then i came to know she was a two-timer . she was  dating a rich boy from another college.”
“she was a gold digger, a good for nothing, isn’t she?”
“Yes, it was the case.I ended my relation with her, it was a bad memory  . I don’t want to experience it no more. From then I took my life more  seriously and I worked hard on my studies and distanced myself from the  word LOVE.”
“Does that mean you aren’t going to fall in love again?”
“Why would I make such a commitment.But from that I came to know…
LOVE is only a word, but the real feeling should exist in one’s own heart.
We should choose our partner carefully rather than...”


 The following day, Riya totally got absorbed in writing her lines and  lost track of the time. Sometimes, I use to come to a spot from where I  could see Riya, waiting for the bus, but this time there was someone,  who I didn’t recognize, started talking to her and as she texted me  that someone is following her I just dashed into the bus-stop.
“Hey,didn’t I tell you to wait for me at the library.”When I stopped  speaking, she took few seconds to understand what I was saying was an  act, the man took few steps back. As the bus had arrived. Riya and I got  on to the bus.I made sure that she got home safely.


 ‘Are you okay?’
“yes, I am.  Thank you for helping me out there.Let me treat you to something”
“It is alright,you don’t have to.”
“Then how about a kiss on your cheek.”
‘Really will you?’
“of course not,you idiot…”
“What?…I was looking forward to it.”
‘I am just a casual friend to you .How could I even kiss you?’
“You are more than a friend to me.”
‘Really in which way?’
“I can’t say…but you are special to me”

Both of us stopped texting to each other. I couldn’t even sleep  properly, the night as my mind was occupied with feelings towards her.It  was hard for me to talk with her by looking into her eyes.During my  work, she caught me chatting with a girl name Sravani, from my college. I  was busy with my friends, as my college days are coming to an end.I  wasn’t able to pay much attention towards Riya. She gave me a cold back  when I wanted to talk to her.I was wondering,”what wrong had I  done?”After few days she waited for me in the library until I got off  the work.she asked me to come with her,till the bus stop
I asked “ Why suddenly”


 Riya didn’t utter a word, till we reached the bus stop.when she  started to talk it was interrupted by a phone call.It was Sravani.I  didn’t answered it but instead I put it on silent.
“so you are going out with Sravani.”
“Of course not.What made you to think like that”
Suddenly she became aggressive “Then why are you flirting with her,why is she calling you everyday”


 “Hey get hold of yourself there is nothing between me and Sravani”
Suddenly I felt her hands on back of my neck I got closer to her face and something soft touched my lips.
“Don’t flirt with other girls when you have me,understood?”
And she left, leaving me alone in midst of my confusion .she literally  kissed me.But I felt happiness and enthusiastic to be in love again.


 After few days her book got published and she was busy that I did’t  even get a moment to see her. All I needed was a chance to talk to her.  As her debut book got published, I got it from the market. She called me  and asked to meet her at the bus stop. I was in the library so I asked  her to give me 10 minutes and I started running towards the bus stop with  the phone at my ear. Our call is occupied by silence for a minute.


 “ Remember,the day when I texted you that someone was following me and then you helped me out”
“ yes,I do remember”
“ On that day,how did you end up in the bus stop just in few seconds”
“I was watching you”
‘You were?’
“As you know my house is near.I came to a spot, across the bus stop  watching you waiting for the bus, at that time, I thought it was someone you knew. But when I saw the message I just dashed into bus stop.”
‘Doesn’t it come under stalking?’
“what seriously?…are you going to complain about it.”
“of course I am, that's my first love...he was stalking me”
‘First love…ah?’
“I LOVE YOU Akshay.” 


 “Third page from your book.
LOVE is only a word, the real feeling should exist in one’s own heart.
We should select our partner carefully rather than select what we have to find….”
“well those words came right from your heart”
“Really...then my heart tells me that I am right behind my true love”
As I approached her, my heart started picking up the pace.
And then I…
-THE END-                                                                                                                 copied

''We love because it’s the only true adventure''.-Nikki Giovanni

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