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RE: Of love

in #poetry5 years ago

A nice poem bro. Seems you are feeling a bit down at the moment? That's how I read your final paragraph anyway. Hope you can turn that around and get on track mate - Put yourself in the position to attract what you desire by being the man worthy of it, inwardly and outwardly.


Yeah @galenkp I have been told time and time again that I have to be worthy of what I desire. I am trying, I really am but there's nothing to show and sometimes it feels like I am going back instead of moving forward. Thanks for stopping by Sir.

You are so worthy man!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @whatamidoing. I am worthy.

I understand...I don't know if it's just about being worthy though. From what I can tell you're an intelligent bloke, interesting, well-spoken and probably well educated. It's not so much about being worthy, more about what you project outwardly I think.

It's difficult to explain in words like this and obviously I don't know you so that makes it difficult also.

It's an attitude I guess. Be the right person and people will see that, the right people.

It's easy for me to say though, happily married and all...I also have no idea what it's like out there in the world from the dating-scene perspective. I know it's not easy though, from what I've been told.

Good luck mate. It'll happen.

Thank you @galenkp. I don't know why I am pessimistic about life and do not trust myself with people. I'm a work in progress and I do know that there are those who like me as I am. One I'll look back at this time and shake my head at how little I saw myself and how great I have become, hopefully.

The dating scene is weird especially if you are unemployed and struggling to make ends meet. Things will get better, I'm sure.

We are all a work in peogress and all doubt ourselves at times. It's human nature and quite normal. I truly believe the key, or one of the main elements, is the right attitude. Keep your chin up mate, and never be afraid to admit that you're fallible and human, or that you need to talk to someone. 🙂

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