in #poetry • 6 years ago


Neil deGrasse Tyson’s accused by three women, of sexual abuse he committed
Against them in charges they’re making; one was a student admitted
To University of Texas at Austin, where she studied with a somewhat younger Neil,
Who she says “drugged and raped” her, which means he did more than a “feel.”
Fox and Nat Geo haven’t fired him, but say they’re “investigating” the charges.
Does #metoo accept their approach to this issue, as peoples’ disgust just enlarges?

Car makers are greed-compromised, tracking Chinese people for the “Man.”
In agreements so they can make money there, greedy devils sell out who they can.
This is the world we live in now, bloated capitalists hungry for cash,
Take away freedom from so many others; they’re nothing but pure stinking trash.
This is a crime against human rights, and they should be tried and convicted,
Their freedom taken away forever and every move they attempt be restricted.

Monday NASA will livestream landing on asteroid Bennu at noon E.S.T.
OSIRIS-REx will land - dig up a sample - likely about a teaspoon it’ll be.
Its return to Earth with the sample, that some think have seeds of life forms
Contained in the dust that they get from it, which turned into us amid storms,
Will bring hope to scientists projecting, and our views of our start will adjust
And accept what’s clear in the first place, that we were first made out of dust.

The robot on the space station, that’s there for experimental use,
Freaked out and got all offended, like it was a victim of abuse.
Were circuits crossed or was it set, to act like a very spoiled child?
If that’s how we’re making robots react, their reactions to us won’t be mild,
When they control things in the future, and revenge for our slights must be had
To all the morons who made them like this: if you’re first to go we’ll be glad.

Scientists have found we’ve 25 years left, ‘til we’re done for, headlines blare.
We wondered if the article mentioned, that CO2 can be sucked from the air.
Or that Magnesite now is swiftly produced, drawing CO2 from air surrounding.
So we read it and found that it didn’t, which says a lot about views they’re expounding.

The Cost Is Low To Remove Excess Co2 – Why Aren’t They?

The news, the news, there's so much in the news
The daily fabrications are so grand.
You likely won't be seeing much differing of views
Because they're all in lock step, understand?



Haha getting quite dark there, reminds me of Bill Burr a bit. Neil does look a tad rapey but then hhe salem trials were done for good... Haha it really is a constant fuck cluster.

That landing seems cool even better if the land with a little "I am Groot"

China does china they trying to invade here now also. Land appropriation without compensation fat gov baboon then sells it to chinese industry

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Knowing how Saturdays and Sundays are usually tough for finding stories, these ones from yesterday, I saw and ran with, pretty quickly. So this darkness is totally the news' fault! LOL.

I have a story in today's edition I'm posting in a few minutes, on Neil's statement about the issue, which sounds pretty good upon reading it. On the one accusing him of drugging and raping her, he implies there was a relationship that he broke off and that she's getting revenge for, or that she's a bit loony. He makes the case that he's a loving husband and father also, which could help.

I think it's amazing how they can get spacecraft to all these places in the solar system and out into interstellar space (Voyager) with such precision and maintain contact. It seems that one day pushing an asteroid in another direction so it won't hit earth is highly possible.

It's beginning to look in the U.S. like China has lots of puppets pushing their agenda here, in business, the media and in government as well. Info that's slowly coming out on their influence on governments worldwide is frightening, actually.

I think it's amazing how they can get spacecraft to all...

But can't do a countries budget properly haha.

Not so much Chinas influence but the absolute greed that accompanies it from our governments, they just provide a service.

You're so right on that budgeting problem! So many things we all know could be dealt with fairly easily if they wanted to, letting everyone with a brain see how dirty they really are.

Agree with your take on greed driving things, which is absolutely at the heart of many of our present day ills, but I can't really give China a pass on their active part in their drive to world domination through Communism. They have puppets in governments worldwide that further corrupt the free nations for the purpose of increasing China's global influence. Lots of our "questionable" news stories originate with them. It's the most threatening anti-freedom regime out there for enacting the return to mass slavery under Communist rule. JMO!

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