in #poetry6 years ago

MMA Fighter Attacks Man At Airport

MMA fighter Charles Haywood, got mad that he couldn’t fly,
So he punched a passenger standing there, and then started kicking the guy.
He was on the airline’s no fly list, apparently for something he’d done.
We think he has anger issues, and when he’s mad he’ll attack anyone.

Celebrities make it easy for crooks, to rob them of things that they show
All over the social media world; all the info a crook needs to know.
Kim Kardashian’s mugging in Paris, should have got them all awake,
But this week’s robberies show that they, keep making the same mistake.

American adults are allowed to drink beer; Dunkin Donuts premiers one this fall.
It’s called Harpoon Dunkin’ Coffee Porter - is it the longest beer name of all?
It won’t be available everywhere, and there’s a link to a map that shows,
If it’s available where you are, and if so, you can drink some of those.

Americans eat too much fast food, for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
1 in 3 people eat it each day, and then wonder why they’re not thinner.
Nearly 44 percent eat it at lunch, and at dinner it’s at 42.
Folks would do better with something they make, like a tasty homemade stew.

Scientists have found we’ve 25 years left, ‘til we’re done for, headlines blare.
We wondered if the article mentioned, that CO2 can be sucked from the air.
Or that Magnesite now is swiftly produced, drawing CO2 from air surrounding.
So we read it and found that it didn’t, which says a lot about views they’re expounding.

The Cost Is Low To Remove Excess Co2 – Why Aren’t They?

The more that we read about carbon dioxide, and how it’s a threat all around,
We still have to wonder what’s going on, when a solution to remove it’s been found.
94 dollars per metric ton is the cost to extract it from the air.
Yet all anyone continues to do, is to argue about how it got there.

Scientists now can produce a mineral, that could end the global warming.
In nature it takes hundreds of thousands of years, for the mineral, Magnesite’s forming.
The scientists’ method takes 72 hours, for Magnesite to be produced.
So, will they do this or like Co2 extraction, see to it that they’re never used?

The news, the news, there's so much in the news
The daily fabrications are so grand.
You likely won't be seeing much differing of views
Because they're all in lock step, understand?


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