in #poetry • 6 years ago


You’ll get a Burger King “Whopper for a penny,” but you need their app to do it.
If you’re within 600 feet of McDonalds, place your order - that’s all there is to it.
It’s called the “Whopper Detour,” and the app even leads you to the nearest
Burger King to pick up your whopper; this offer is essentially peerless.
You only get one penny whopper; you can’t eat for one cent every day.
But it’s one hell of a deal for a one-time lunch; eating one penny whopper’s okay.

The selling of chicken in a drugstore, the subject in the headline,
Must be a fairly lame joke Yahoo uses, as the truth is, 2 stores will combine.
Kroger will sell more than chicken at Walgreen’s; most kinds of food will be sold.
They’re doing it because of Amazon, and the online behemoth’s stronghold
On enterprise, so the way to compete, turns to thinking “outside the box.”
Soon we’ll buy groceries in every store, even in stores that sell clocks.

Some of the best citizens on earth - man’s best friend for the ages,
Can die from eating 8 dry dog foods, and it isn’t something contagious.
They contain toxic levels of vitamin D; no reason for this blunder’s implied.
It’s pretty suspicious so many brands, were fed to our friends who then died.
A conspiracy against man’s best friend, or one supplier serving all eight?
Providing no reason for why this happened, will just serve to further frustrate.

Kevin Hart will be hosting the Oscars, putting Hollywood’s hypocrisy in view.
Kevin was just ostracized recently, for a birthday party he threw.
It seems they need Kevin now, to help build up the ratings decreasing,
Over the past two years, with Kimmel as host, the rate plunge is seen as unceasing.
The birthday party he threw for his son, had a “cowboys and Indians” theme,
Social media spewed hatred at Kevin for that, with responses considered extreme.

Scientists have found we’ve 25 years left, ‘til we’re done for, headlines blare.
We wondered if the article mentioned, that CO2 can be sucked from the air.
Or that Magnesite now is swiftly produced, drawing CO2 from air surrounding.
So we read it and found that it didn’t, which says a lot about views they’re expounding.

The Cost Is Low To Remove Excess Co2 – Why Aren’t They?

The news, the news, there's so much in the news
The daily fabrications are so grand.
You likely won't be seeing much differing of views
Because they're all in lock step, understand?


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