Breaking the Chains

in #poetry7 years ago

Why don't you smell a rat?
Is it possible that
by fire alone
in a free fall zone
three buildings went down?
Now I only can frown
at the thought.

It didn't happen the way
they have told us and still say
that a man from a cave
the order gave
for the depraved
with what he got,
a bunch of men with box-cutter knives
and ready to give their lives
to destroy each tower
with only the power
of a crashing plane,
that's how 3000 people were supposedly slain.
It just isn't true.
If only everyone knew,
then we would be on the way
seeing a ray
of hope

that wars would end.
We would no longer spend
our lives in their horrible grip
we could give them the slip
those murderous haters of human kind
those who wind
all their thoughts around new ways
to raise
their power
in a shower
of bombs and fire
to fulfill their desire
of might.

But might is not right,
when truth is on our side
we can start another time
with a new rhyme.
I know it will be
that one day the future will see,
that truth is all it took
to write a new book,
to break the chains
of the reigns
of power.


Perhaps the most poetic description of that fateful day I have ever read. You've reached similar conclusions to me. I smelt a rat a long time ago.

Two words AWESOME POEM..!! Stephen

You are very welcome. That is a clever bit writing and deserves all the recognition. Keep up the great work. Stephen

we need a fix for this , revitalize the platform , people are missing out on some immaculate works , poetry and so forth , just because it's not finance or whatnot, 15 views and 200 votes is a shame , 300 views and 200 votes is what should be the case , but hen again that would equal 500 votes and less whales i guess or more people willing to read :)

Cheers now i have to follow :D and with good reason :)

thanks for reading and for the following

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